Energetic Coherence, Verbal Fluency, and Interviews

What Is Energetic Coherence? This is the ability to align your thoughts, emotions, intentions, words, and actions. Under this state of mind, magic can take place. This is because it will allow you to have the highest energetic power. When your all scattered, so will your energy, and your life. Learning how to become balanced is key. Conversational Skills Interviewing- 1. Have a unique structure This can be dependent on you, but the key is to have a framework, and be flexible within that framework....


Power- What It Is and How To Master The Chi

What Is Power? Power is the ability to generate life force to create the life that you want. There are many tiers of power. There are many tenets to be in place for a powerful life. The key is to stay balanced and ready. Essentially staying ready so we don't have to get ready. Tenets Of Power 1. Mastery Self mastery is the concept of mastering your own reality. This does not mean you don’t have challenges, as a matter of fact, it can...


How To Become A Content Generator

What Is A Content Generator? Becoming a content generator is essentially about becoming the one who creates your own content. Being able to generate content at will. There are certain key principles that need to be put into play for this to happen. Above all, you must live what you teach. Your telling the universe that you are the ambassador of this mission, and insights will be given to you. How To Become A Content Generator 1. Automatic insights This is about being in...


Laws Of A King

What Are The Laws Of A King? The laws of a king consist of a variety of principles that must be lived by a king. This is because without them, kingship would not be possible. They are designed to leverage our maximum capabilities, and to be of maximum service. It is through becoming the greatest version of oneself that your destiny will be foraged. Laws Of A King 1. No retreat, no surrender If you have a goal that you know in your heart...


Real Masculinity- What It Is, How To Develop It, Principles Of A King, Altruism, Love Is Real, and Brotherhood

What Is Real Masculinity? Real masculinity consists of certain character traits such as integrity, freedom orientation, linear moving, consistency, and discipline. These character traits must be foraged through everyday life. The decisions we make, and the actions that we take. Everything we do will lead us more into a greater version of ourselves or not. How To Develop Real Masculinity 1. Semen retention I am putting this here because if we can control the most powerful force that we have, sexual energy, then we...


Writing, The Art Of Expression- What It Is and Principles Of Writing

What Is Writing? Writing is a skill to learn and express yourself and all that is real. The goal of writing is to become the information in such a way that your able to teach effortlessly. When you write, you must feel your writing, it must come from within. Have growth and service on the mind, backed by a vision and a mission. This way, people will understand, and you will be a mirror for what's possible. Principles Of Writing 1. Become the...


Hero- What It Is and How To Become One

What Is A Hero? A hero is someone who is willing to sacrifice who they are for what they could become. Someone who is willing to go first and become the greatest versions of themselves. A hero essentially lifts others up while maintaining equanimity. How To Become A Hero 1. Heroes journey The heroes journey begins with one step. The story of freedom, of tribulations and triumph. It's not that you won't get knocked off the path, but the question is how do you...


Simple Steps To Implement To Lose Fat Today

Body fat is an endocrine organ. This means that it secretes hormones that interact with other organs to regulate your metabolism. Body fat cells can expand 1000x their original size. When we gain fat, we don't gain new cells, the ones we have just expand. The number one fat that is associated with obesity and diabetes is called visceral fat. This is the type of fat the surrounds organs, and is quite dangerous. When we lose fat via fat loss...


Speaking Events- Preparation and Personal Development Principles

What Is A Speaking Event? It is the ability to create change on a real level. It is the ability to network, and become the greatest version of yourself. It allows you to express your capabilities to an audience to create change. This is important because there's nothing like a live event. Books, podcasts, online courses are great, but being in person is something special. Preparing For An Event Set the stage- If it all possible, check the spot out before your speaking. It...


Adaptability- What It Is, How To Be More Adaptable, Stoic Practices, and Physical Practices

What Is Adaptability? This is the ability to stay congruent with who you are in any circumstance. It's also the ability to maintain excellence despite of the circumstance. This take a lot of practice, but can be done. Understand that you are at the foundation of your world. Life doesn't happen to you, you happen to life. How To Be More Adaptable 1. Have an anchor An anchor is something you can hold on to in the face of hard times. Your anchor will...