How To Create A Powerful State

What Is A Powerful State?

A powerful state is the ability to stay focused on what matters. It includes attitude, beliefs, and mindset. This is perhaps the most important concept pf personal development. The state of mind were in will inevitably affect everything in our lives. We must be mindful of our state. This can be changes through awareness, our focus, and our actions.

Why It’s Important To Be In A Powerful State

Being in a powerful state will create sustainable and measurable change in your life. The state that were in will inevitably effect the outcome of what we do. This is because when we do things with a poor attitude or powerful attitude, that will effect our actions, which create our results.

How To Create A Powerful State

Strength and honor-

This refers to your word being your bond. If you say your going to do something, it’s already done. You may not accomplish all your goals, but you always give everything you have.

Become a sayer-

Everything you say, you must speak into existence, meaning say what you mean, and mean what you say. Strength and honor, do not just talk to impress, but do it to express to people what is possible.

Body language-

This is a very important aspect of your state. Your posture affects everything you do. Your posture also includes mental and emotional posture, effecting your attitude. Be sure to be up right and focused.

How To Have A Healthy Mind

Have a sense of purpose-

Purpose is what wakes you up everyday with enthusiasm and direction. It gives you a foundation on how to build your life. The thing about purpose, is that it’s not always great, it will give you a lot of challenges as well. I believe the foundation of everyones purpose is growth and service, but how everyone expresses that is going to be different. Your purpose can also change overtime, but not the foundation. I used to believe that it had to be tied in with your career, but not necessarily. Perhaps now, it’s to be the best parent you can be, and maybe in a few years it will be something else.

Learn to focus-

Focus is critical for being able to have a great state. The ability to block out distractions and what is not useful. Focusing on the things that matter will help expand those in your reality. This is because what you focus on tends to expand. Sharpen your focus through things like breath work and meditation. Also, keeping the mission at the top of mind. Really wanting to grow and serve.

Look to be of service-

Always look to add value to people or situations. The value comes to you and through you. This means we first have to cultivate a sense of value within ourselves. Doing things like self care, becoming the greatest versions of ourselves will help expand our capacity to serve. Service is the key to a great life because it allows us to expand it.

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