Smoking, Vaping, and The Power Within

What Is Smoking?

Today I’m mainly talking about tobacco, cigarets, and marijuana. Some things has it’s place in certain instances, but were talking about the data and mindset today. A lot of us know what to do, but aren’t actually doing it. So what are the blocks that are keeping us from taking action.

Interesting Facts Of Smoking

1. Causes periodontal disease.

2. Dramatically reduces cognitive function.

3. Causes birth defects.

4. Causes cardiovascular disease.

5. Dramatically reduces fertility.


This is using a device that looks like a USB driver that by pressing a button or enhaling activates a battery activated heating coil that aerosolizes a substance. This is safer than smoking, but still a form of it. Many of them utilize propleyene glycol, which is a biproduct of plastic, and is quite toxic in of itself. It can be an alternative to get off smoking.

The Power of Habit

When we set out to create new habits, there is a wonderful structure in our brain that allows this to happen. This structure is called myelin. Myelin is a fatty sheath that coats our nerves. It builds up anytime we repeat tasks. Myelin allows for faster signal transduction, making you better, and better at that thing. There is something called the habit loop. It consists of the trigger, routine, and the reward. The trigger is a behavior that let’s a behavior take place, and let the brain go on automatic. The routine is the actual habit that your implementing. The reward is the anchor at the end that let’s you know that the activity you did was worth while. This makes you look forward to the habit.

The Thing About Will Power

Will power can we cultivated and strengthen just like anything else. It’s a mental muscle that can be strengthened by doing hard shit. Doing hard things and putting yourself through challenging situations will make you hard. This will allow you to be more resilient against obstacles, and to take more on. For example, I recently undergone a 5 day fast. I had nothing but water and bone broth for 5 days. Why did I do this? Primarily for mental resilience, but there is also a lot of health benefits. I got a lot from it in terms of character and insight. Doing things like this on a regular basis will build character and carry over to everything else in life.

The Power Of Environment

Humans are not just products of environment, we are creators of our environment. This means that we have the power to affect change. We can change the people we hang around because we tend to become who we are with the most. This is why it’s important to become the model for others and people you love. Be the change you wish to see in the world.

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