Sexual Medicine, Polarity, and Orgasms

Taoism and Tantra are both ancient schools of sexual philosophy that originated over 5000 years ago. They are both similar because they both focus on expanding consciousness, and empowerment. Taoism is a system that originated in ancient China, and it’s a scientific system that used sexual energy for rejuvenation and healing. Conscious direction of sexual energy is a big tenet. Tantra originated in ancient India and is more ritual based.

Benefits Throughout the Body


Sex has been proven to stimulate neurogenesis, or the creation of new neurons. Another one showing how it benefits the hippocampus, or the memory center of our brain.

Cardiovascular health-

A research paper showed that men with frequent orgasms had a 50% reduction in heart disease.


Orgasm releases a lot of hormones, most notably, serotonin, oxytocin, prolactin, vasopressin, and norepinephrine. These hormones make it much easier to fall asleep and get better sleep quality.


Sexual polarity comes down to the concept of yin and yang. Masculine and feminine energies, and like opposites attract. Polarity is critical because it create the spark in a relationship.

How to increase polarity for men (anything that’s going to bring you into your masculine)-

  1. Weight lifting
  2. Purpose
  3. Decisions
  4. Sports
  5. Hunting


There are a variety of different orgasms that are possible. Orgasm does not always have to be accompanied by ejaculation. We know that they help with pain relief do to the release of endorphins.


According to stats, most men ejaculate within 3 minutes. This is do to a variety of reasons, but this could  be abandoning your women. It does not have to be like this, and there’s a variety of ways to increase endurance. For this, breath is your number one tool. Most men tense up and get really tight before orgasm. When this happens, it’s almost inevitable. Instead of tightening up, take deep nasal belly breaths throughout. You will find you can control your sexual energy much better. A practice you can do during solo sex is getting to a 9 on the orgasm scale then backing off for a minute. During this time, you can practice box breathing, or 4 count in, 4 count hold, 4, count out, and 4 count hold. Doing this multiple times will increase your endurance like exercise will increase your strength over time.

Semen retention-

This is an ancient Taoist practice of having sex, but not ejaculating. According to their perspective ejaculating is wasting your chi if done too much. Semen is full of nutrients that create life, and they believe that holding on to it is a great way to boost longevity.

Clitoral orgasm-

This is really the warm up for your women. It can usually only be externally stimulated because it’s located on the outside. The finger and tongue are the best tools.

G spot orgasm-

There was a German researcher named Ernst Grafenberg who progressed reproductive rights and health. The G in G spot comes from his research. It is more of a zone than a spot, and is located about 3 inches in on the anterior wall of the vagina. This zone in particular requires vigorous stimulation and surrender. It’s also a hard spot to reach through penetration, so fingers and other tools are best.

Cervical orgasm-

The cervix is the deepest cone like structure of the vagina. It is something that requires warming up and releasing, so pain doesn’t occur. Think of it as a massage, where you are on a really tight spot and have to relax for it to open. When it does, then you can go deeper. As emotions come, you must be a strong container for your women, and be able to hold them. The A spot is another erogenous zone around the cervix.




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