How To Be An Elite Decision Maker- Values, Goals, and Mental Health
What Is An Elite Decision Maker?
An elite decision maker is someone who stays free in the face of adversity. They keep the mission in mind, and filter their decisions through their values. Great decisions are made quickly while changed slowly, while poor decisions are made slowly and changed quickly.
1. Know your values
It’s important to know your values when making good decisions. If you don’t know your values, it’s hard to understand how to make the right decision. Your values are the things that are very important to you, and that move your life forward. They can be health, growth, relationships, and beyond. They can also change over time, but the core values that make up who you are won’t.
2. Keep your people in mind
Know who your doing this for. When you know who your doing this for, it’s easy to keep going. Those with a why can endure almost any how. Call upon your why and who your doing this for during hard times. It can be easy to forget, so keep this at top of mind.
3. Beliefs
When making decisions, it’s important to know what you believe. Knowing who you are is the first step. This will allow you to take the next step. Go as far as you can, then you can see even further. Your beliefs may be out dated, and need to be reevaluated. This will keep you on point and ready.
1. Calm under pressure
Being calm under pressure can be very beneficial when making hard decisions. Some of the best decision makers are able to stay calm under pressure. This takes a lot of practice, but with time, it will be easier. You can’t always wait to make a decision, which is why it’s important to stay ready.
2. Understand timing
Do your best to hit your goals on time. This requires a lot of things to be in place. The most important thing is momentum. This is generated by staying on your habits and progressing toward a worthy ideal. Our goals have a lot of processes, and it’s important to trust the process, not rush the process.
3. Backed by a vision and a mission
When you get very clear on what you want and don’t want, you will move much faster. The mission is your aim on a day to day basis. The vision is the broader way on how to get it done. Stay true to your heart, and live by principles. Trust yourself, you don’t have to be perfect.
Mental Health
Our mental health is very important when it comes to making decisions. We can talk about mindset and tactics all day ling, but if your brain doesn’t have the necessary nutrients to complete functions, it’s much harder. If your not rested, or focused, this will all impede progress.
1. Nutrition
Nutrition is critical for brain health. There are certain nutrients that are designed for brain health called neuro nutrition. These nutrients make it past the blood brain barrier and nourish the brain. These can be saturated fat, omega 3s, and water. These are required for synaptogenesis and other processes.
2. Nootropics
Nootropics are natural substances that are used to enhance cognitive function. They should be able to enhance learning and memory, protect the brain from physical or chemical injury, and has low side effects and toxicity. Smart drugs are similar, but are drugs rather than natural substances, thus having more side effects. Different ones include, methylene blue, Qualia Mind, royal jelly, lions mane, paraxanthine.
3. Water
Water is critical for the brain. The brain is actually 80% water, then 11% fat, 9% protein, and the rest is minerals. High quality water is critical for signal transduction, hormonal balance, and neurotransmitters.
4. Peace
Doing restorative practices such as qigong, meditation, breath work, journaling, and contemplation can be very restorative. This matters because we all have a lot to process; and giving ourselves time to think and relax is key. Cortisol is the number one stress hormone, and cause a lot of damage if it’s not in check.
5. Sleep
This might be the number one thing you can do for brain health. Getting high quality, restorative sleep every night is a must. This is where the glymphatic system goes around in the brain and cleans up all the debris. This system is 10x more active while we sleep than during the day. This is critical for keeping a clean brain that is ready for anything.
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