How To Be A Wisdom Generator

What Does It Mean To Be A Wisdom Generator?

A wisdom generator is someone who understands that the wisdom that they seek is already within them, all they have to do is look within. The problem is that there is a lot of static on the line that gets in the way. In order to remove the static, we must look at our limiting beliefs and how they may be limiting us.

How To Become A Wisdom Generator

1. Clear the glass

This about really looking at yourself in the mirror and getting real. We must sacrifice who we are for what we could become. What this means is that what is no longer serving us and the world has to go. Everything that is not of excellence must die. This is good because that leaves room for what is new.

2. A New Age Has Begun

An age of freedom, where there are no rules, or boundaries. One where the tyrants have no place to go. The matrix is cracking in real time, and it’s only a matter of time. Freedom always wins, the question is when? All we have is now.

3. Everyone Has Their Own Way Of Getting To The Top

Yes there are general principles that work for everyone, but ultimately, everyone has their own way. We all have our own path and way of doing things. Different things we have to overcome, and obstacles we have to endure.

4. A Playful Heart Cures All

In the midst of struggle, it’s important to keep good, perhaps cheerful energy. It’s because the thing were struggling with is usually not the circumstance, but our energy within it. When we tend to fix our energy, we tend to solve the problem.

5. Selective Focus
What we focus on tends to expand. Be intentional on what you focus on. Stop focusing on the nonsence, what is it doing for you? Stay free, and never surrender. Focus on what matters and grow your life.
6. To The Degree That You Get Out Of Your Own Head Is The Degree That You Can Win
The more you are in your head, the more you will lose. I never win more than win I’m in the moment and in a state of flow, executing flawlessly.
7. Master Your Routine
It’s very important to master your routine. This includes habits, timing, and thought devotion. Thought devotion because keeping on track with your thoughts and emotions will keep the momentum. Study your routine, and work your plan.
8. Stoic and Spartan
Stoic philosophy was brought to Sparta, and used to refine their mindsets and training tactics. It is for the freedom fighting savages with no mercy. The king must stay upright and defiant.
9. Spiritual Or Woke?
I find that many woke individuals mistake themselves as spiritual. They are very lofty, but are seldom rooted in principles. This is not spirituality. You must first be rooted in truth and principles, then go from there. This first starts by being the greatest version of your self and by being of service. What good is it to know about spirits, fairies, and angels if your fat, broke, and unhappy?
10. Master The Craft
What ever craft you choose to undertake, master it. Understand that you are the foundation, so it really starts with self mastery. Hone your thoughts, words, and actions. Have no mercy toward your goals. You then take this to your craft and serve the world.

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