Decisions Of A King

What Are The Decisions Of A King? The decisions of a king consist of many traits and attributes. These allow high quality decisions to be made under all circumstances. Many of us don't understand proper decision making, and as a consequence, we never get the results we want. A king must stay grounded and ready. Freedom on the mind, and service in the heart. Decisions Of A King 1. Sober minded I have never drank, never smoked, never done any drugs, if I’m on...


How To Be A Legend

What Is A Legend? This is someone who is willing to sacrifice who they are for what they will become for the greater good. Their energy will echo on through eternity. They are on the heroes journey, and will stop for nothing. They are on a divine mission and will under go a series of obstacles to qualify them for the mission. How To Become A Legend 1. Be Willing To Sacrifice Who You Are For What You Could Become This requires us to...


Abundance- How To Achieve An Abundance Mindset, and Things To Avoid

What Is An Abundance Mindset? This is fundamentally where you believe there is enough for everyone, and that everyone can win. This is very important because without it, we will operate out of scarcity and not enough. That mindset will lead to a poor life because our inner world creates our outer world. How To Have An Abundance Mindset 1. Generate value You must generate value from within through a variety of ways. Cultivate it through introspection, inquiry, meditation, beliefs, habits, mindsets, and more....


How To Create A Powerful State

What Is A Powerful State? A powerful state is the ability to stay focused on what matters. It includes attitude, beliefs, and mindset. This is perhaps the most important concept pf personal development. The state of mind were in will inevitably affect everything in our lives. We must be mindful of our state. This can be changes through awareness, our focus, and our actions. Why It's Important To Be In A Powerful State Being in a powerful state will create sustainable and measurable...


How To Be The Ultimate Warrior- Mastery, Hero, and Self Realization

What Does It Mean To The Ultimate Warrior? This is all about becoming the greatest version of oneself in all aspects of reality. Knowing that you have the opportunity to impact generations to come, and leave a legacy that will last forever. Being of service, learning and growing. All of these are required to be the best you. Understand that this is both and world, not either or, you can truly have it all. You owe it to yourself to max...


The Heroes Journey- The Path Of The One

What Is The Heroes Journey? The heroes journey begins with one step. The story of freedom, of tribulations and triumph. It’s not that you won’t get knocked off the path, but the question is how do you develop resilience to keep going. This will determine your destiny. This is the path where ones destiny is foraged. This is because it’s what were born for, what we die for. Life is foraging you into the person you need to become in order...


Will To Win- How To Execute, Be A Winner, and Stay Free

What Is The Will To Win? The will to win is categorized as a no retreat, no surrender mindset. The mindset of kings that is willing to win at all costs. What are you willing to do to win? What does winning mean to you? What does it look like? Winning is everything. Your family needs you to be successful, and generations to come. The greatest gift you can give is to be the greatest version of you, and a model...


How To Dream Hard, Stay Free, and Build Momentum

What Does It Mean To Dream Hard? Everyone has dreams, the question is what is the source? Are you dreaming intentionally? I'm not necessarily talking about dream interpretation, but actually going for what you want in life. We spend time building our bodies and bank accounts, but how often is it that we spend time and really map out the life that we want? How To Dream Hard 1. Internal Dream Clock The inner voice that is always there. The one giving you nudges...


How To Create Lasting Happiness

What Is Lasting Happiness? Lasting happiness must be built on a solid foundation of love. You also must have an understanding between the difference of happiness and pleasure. Pleasure has it' place, but is short term and fleeting. Long term happiness requires you live by foundational principles that cultivate an inner sense of freedom. How To Develop Lasting Happiness 1. Overcome your story Overcoming your story is about overcoming the big and past challenges in your life. We all have a story, the question...


How To Fail Properly- Failure Rate, Speed Of Interpretation, and Moving Past Fear

What Does It Mean To Fail Properly? Failing properly requires a certain set of skills to leverage failure, and eventually turning it into a win. The goal of this is to leverage failure to propel our lives forward even faster. At the end of the day, failure is education. You don't really fail if you learn how to make your life better from it. How To Fail Properly 1. Failure rate This refers to how fast we can recover. The speed at which we...