There Is No One Size Fits All Diet

There is no such thing as a one size fits all diet. There are so many different varieties of diets today. Everything from paleo, keto, vegan, carnivore, low fodmap, and gaps. The truth is that all of these diets have value, and they all work at certain times, and for certain people. We have to find out what the best diet is for us. As I said, there is no one diet for everyone, but there are some universal principals...


The Truth About Cholesterol

Cholesterol is one of the most widely misunderstood molecules that exists. Based on biased research back in the 20th century. The main argument is that cholesterol is bad because it clogs arteries, but there's no context. Today you will discover the benefits, and physiology of cholesterol. First, we need to talk about why we have it in the first place. The benefits include needed to build our cell membranes, used to build sex hormones, converting UVB from sunlight into vitamin...


Stress Relief Methods

1. Forest Bathing Forrest bathing is the practice of going in nature, or the forest to relax. Trees produce special essential oil like molecules that have been proven to improve the immune system. Going in nature also reduces cortisol. Reacher's conclude "A total of 971 articles were screened; 22 of them were included in the systematic review and 8 in the meta-analysis. In all but two included studies, cortisol levels were significantly lower after intervention in forest groups if compared...


Epicaloric Control

In are culture we believe that calories are everything. As long as you don't eat to many calories, you can stay thin, right? Well today your going to learn how this isn't true, and the many factors that control what calories actually do in your body. 1.Thermic effect of food This means that it takes calories to digest calories. For example, if you have 100 calories of protein, it takes 30 of the calories just to digest the 100, so your only...


5 Fat Loss Myths

1. Caloric restriction When  you restrict calories, it may work in the short term, but in the long term it's going to destroy the metabolism. The metabolism becomes less efficient, and starts to store all calories as fat because it thinks it's starving. 2. Using the scale Using the scale can work for some people, but for most, it gets people focusing on the numbers too much. When we don't focus on the progress we've made, and were constantly looking at the numbers,...