Nutrition From the Sea: Nutrients you may of Never Heard of for Cancer, Diabetes, and Obesity

There is a plethora of nutrition that we can get from our oceans and even lakes. So many types of sea vegetables, algae, and fish eggs. Often times, people don't take advantage of it because they may be unaware. Today, I will go over importance of sea nutrition, key nutrients, and how to implement it. Seaweed (sea vegetables) Sea vegetables have been used for eons by humans in different cultures, and for good reason. People in Japan have been documented to use...


Why the Microbiome is a Keystone of Health and how to Optimize it

What is the Microbiome? The microbiome is the community of bacteria that live on us and in us. We are also made of viruses and fungus. Science shows that we are 4-10x more bacteria cells than we are human cells. The bacteria, or probiotics create something called postbiotics. These are beneficial molecules that they make for us. For example, serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for good mood and happiness. Even know this is for the brain, 90% of it...


Toxic Effects of Vegetable Oil and Healthy Alternatives

What is Vegetable Oil? Vegetable oil is really a marketing term, none of them are actually oils from a vegetable. The oils are corn, canola, cottonseed, soybean, safflower, and sunflower. Also, grape seed and oat bran oil are sometimes used. These are actually seed oils. Eating the foods themselves is fine, but when we make a highly industrialized seed oil from them, it's another story. These oils contain a substantial amount of polyunsaturated fat, which makes it very susceptible to oxidation...


The Ancient Art of Sound Healing

Sound medicine has been around for thousands of years. it's exactly as it sounds, using sound to heal the mind and body. We have.a structure in all of our cells called primary cilia. These cells pick up frequency in the surrounding environment. These cells vibrate when they pick up sound, and influence the cell itself. Changing the structure of the cells is going to change the organ for better, or worse. There are audible and inaudible sounds. Think of audible...


How to Save the World With Regenerative Agriculture

What is Regenerative Agriculture? Regenerative agriculture is the process of restoring the environment through agriculture. The soil has the ability to store green house gases and fight climate change. The problem is that the soil has been destroyed through our current practices. So much so that data shows we on have about 60 harvests left if we do nothing. With the soil being decimated, the green houses gasses go up because there is not as much to sequester carbon. Tilling and Mono...


Unconventional Training: Steel Clubs, Maces, Kettle bells, Battle Ropes, and Sand Bags

Unconventional training is the concept of using off-load gear for full body adaptation. For example, the equipment in the gym is very linear and everything is evenly weighted. This is much easier to work with, but you only work muscles in a certain capacity. This has its place, but with unconventional training your body constantly has to adapt to the load and mimics real life much more. This type of training is great for muscle imbalances because of adaptability. You...


Circumcision- The Shocking Truth

The History Circumcision Circumcision started in the United States for the purpose of preventing masturbation. During the Victorian era, they saw sexuality as harmful and should be prevented. They believed it created social and physical sickness. This is how it was first marketed, but that changed when we changed our perception on sex. Then they changed their marketing to its cleaner and is no difference to sexuality; even know their intent was to change sexuality in the beginning. Even for religion,...


Organ Meats- The Most Nutrient Dense Foods on the Planet

Organ meats are the most nutrient dense foods on the planet, not vegetables. Vegetables are great, but organ meats are higher in nutrients across the board. Liver, heart, and kidney may be the most valuable, but all are helpful for certain things. When our ancestors went hunting, they did not just eat muscle meat, that would be a waste. They most often gave the muscle meat to the dogs. When you see a lion hunt, the organs are the first...


Decisions For a Healthy Dog

Dogs have been part of human culture for 20-40 thousand years. They have evolved from wolves, and humans gave them scraps of food, which brought them closer to our camps. They eventually integrated themselves into our tribes, and were used for hunting. The early dogs looked like their wild wolf counterparts, but today we have 100s of varieties of dogs for different purposes. Healthy Diet About 95% of pet food is manufactured using the extrusion process, which turns ingredients into kibble. It...


Self Quantification: How to Test and Track for Optimal Health

Self quantification is the process of using tests, or trackers to improve the quality of your over all wellness. Biofeedback, or listening to your body is the best form of testing, but using technology can be very helpful. I'm going to go over basic tests that will give you a gage on where you are so you can make improvements. Sleep trackers and movement trackers can be helpful for letting you know your sleep quality, movement, and glycemic variability. Basic Testing Gut- Testing...