Purpose- What Is It, How To Find it, and How it Impacts Your Health

What Is Purpose? Purpose is what wakes you up everyday with enthusiasm and direction. It gives you a foundation on how to build your life. The thing about purpose, is that it's not always great, it will give you a lot of challenges as well. I believe the foundation of everyones purpose is growth and service, but how everyone expresses that is going to be different. Your purpose can also change overtime, but not the foundation. I used to believe that...


Awake Not Woke- Why Wokeism Is A Virus

What Does It Mean To Be Woke? Being woke tends to isolate a world view and disregard any outer facts. It leaves little room for discussion, and usually heavily criticizes the opposite view. It's fundamentally a view that we are separate, and props up immorality as morality. It also seems to be rooted in victimhood, while acting as a hero. The Difference Between Being Awake And Woke Being awake comes from within. It means you are awake to truth that only comes through...


CBD Oil- What It Is, Benefits, and Different Types

What Is CBD Oil? CBD oil is a derivative of the marijuana plant. This does not get you high, as it contains trace amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). CBD can be sold as a liquid, extract, vaporized liquid, and an oil-based capsule. Benefits Of CBD Oil- 1. Reduces anxiety CBD has been proven to reduce anxiety. CBD interacts with the cannabinoid type 1 receptor (CB1R), the serotonin 5-HT1A receptor, and other receptors in the brain that regulate fear and anxiety-induced behaviors. 2. Reduces pain CBD oil has...


Food Irradiation – What Is It, Cons, and Alternatives

What Is Food Irradiation? Food Irradiation is the process of giving food massive doses of radiation to kill microbes, and protect it from the environment, kind of like pesticides. They use ionizing radiation, which is the same found in X-rays, except exponentially more. Negative Health Effects Of Food Irradiation- 1. Loss of nutrients 2. Changes the chemical composition of the food 3. Radiolytic by-products are often formed in irradiated food. Very few of these chemicals have been adequately studied for toxicity. 4. Irradiation can cause mutations...


Exercise Recovery Tactics

Recovery Tactics- 1. Foam rolling This is the process of myofascial release through mobility work. There are many types of foam rollers, but the most effective one for deep tissue work is a rumble roller. This is equipped with ridges all along side the roller. Find a tight spot that is sore, and breathe into it. Also, the pain point may actually be caused by an area upstream or downstream from the actual area. 2. Sauna Saunas are excellent for recovery. Heat exposure has...


How To Be A Professional Freedom Fighter- Character, Habits, and Tactics

What is a Professional Freedom Fighter? This is someone who stands for freedom at all costs. Someone who is willing to sacrifice who they are for what they could become. There are certain character traits, habits, and tactics that go into this way of being. For those who want to bring a greater future into the world. Character Strength and honor- This refers to your word being your bond. If you say your going to do something, it's already done. You may not accomplish...


Common Colds- Immunity and Tactics To Improve the Immune System

What Is the Common Cold? The common cold is different from the flu because it usually stays in the sinuses. A cold can happen anytime a year, but is more common in winter months. It usually lasts a week, but the post cold cough can last longer. What Is the Immune System? The immune system is designed to protect the body from infections and illness, and is essential for life. Immunity is located throughout the entire body, although about 70% of it is...


Pain- Factors That Influence Pain. Mistakes While Healing An Injury. and Recovery Tactics

What Is Pain? Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage. It does not just involve the physical, but also emotions and other factors. Not all types of pain are the same, and have different causes, symptoms, and treatment. Acute pain can also become chronic pain. Pain is the signal to let your body know something is wrong, and to prevent further damage. Factors That Influence Pain 1. Not living a healthy lifestyle Not sleeping well, lack...


Colon- What Is It, Functions, and How To Improve the Health Of Your Colon

What Is the Colon? The colon is a very important part of the digestive system. One of it's jobs is to pull water from the intestines in order to have a proper bowl movement. It also transfers the stool to the rectum for excretion. Lastly, it can absorb certain nutrients from the food that we eat. How To Improve Colon Health 1. Hydrate This will help lubricate fecal matter through the colon. If you are dehydrated, it's going to be much harder for things...


Prostate- What is it, Prostate Disease, Testing, and How To Improve Prostate Health

What Is the Prostate? The prostate is a gland about the size of a walnut that sits below the bladder in men. The word prostate actually has greek origins translating to "protector of the people".  The prostate is important it's function for reproduction because it supplies part of the seminal fluid, which mixes with sperm fro the testes. It is also partly responsible for urine excretion. Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer starts when cells mutate. The senescent cells cause inflammation and damage the surrounding...