How To Reprogram Your Mind

What Does It Mean To Reprogram Your Mind? To Reprogram your mind is to essentially change your paradigm of which you operate to alter the results in your life. Reprogramming your mind requires that you access your current beliefs, values, and standards. Become aware of why you believe these things and even where these beliefs came from. Your may have picked them up from childhood, or perhaps an authority figure along the way. Often times, we are unconscious of what we...


Spartan Warrior Society- What Does It Mean To Be A Spartan, and Spartan Mindset

Who Were The Spartans? Sparta, also known as Lacedaemon, was an ancient Greek city state located in a region of southern Greece called Laconia. All male Spartan citizens participated in warrior training called the Agoge, which emphasized obedience, endurance, courage and self-control, and lasted from 7-20 years old until they became a warrior. Everything in Sparta revolved around the act of war, which is why they were so effective. They were subjected to continual physical, competitions, which could involve violence, given...


Plastic- History, Impacts On Health, and Healthy Alternatives

History Of Plastic There are synthetic and natural plastics in existence. Thousands of years ago, the Olmecs have utilized sap from gum trees to make rubber balls. About a century ago is when synthetic plastics were created. Fossil fuels in the form of crude oil and natural gas were really the dominate form. We have produced about 10 billion tons of plastic sense that time. Our society is heavily dependent on plastic. Many products and services use plastic. Negative Impact Of Micro...


Minerals- Role Of Minerals, Different Categories, Fulvic and Humic Acid, Quinton, and Salt

Role Of Minerals In The Body Minerals are substances in the body used to communicate a variety of signals. The adrenals are a store house of minerals and depends on them heavily for modulating stress. Different Types Of Minerals Rock based minerals- This is what you think of as salt. There are many different forms of salt, it's not just about sodium, there is also magnesium and potassium based salts. Real salt actually has over 80 minerals in it. Plant based minerals- These are formed when...


How To Be Greatness- Mindset, Health, Wealth, Relationships, and Altruism

What Does Greatness Actually Mean? Greatness is the ability to discover ones gifts through the process of self examination, and using those gifts to serve the world. Greatness is overcoming your own obstacles and short comings. Essentially getting beyond yourself to realize the bigger picture. How Do You Become Great? Greatness is earned through having a mission and optimizing every area of your life. It is not okay to be one dimensional because every area of your life is going to impact the...


How To Be A Spiritual Warrior- Spirituality, Purpose, Health, Wealth, and Relationships

What Is A Spiritual Warrior? A spiritual warrior is someones who chooses to be on their path rather than follow the crowd. Your purpose is a big part of what defines you, and guides your everyday actions. You fight for what's real and moral. Striving to be your best everyday and get better. How To Be A Spiritual Warrior Spirituality- This is the practice of going within, and discovering who we are. This is our foundation, and will directly correlate to how we operate...


Breaking The Matrix- Principles, Understanding What Were Up Against, and Mindset

What Is The Matrix? This is the control system that is put in place that keeps us average at best. The system that keeps you from being the greatest version of your self. where you don't know what your purpose is, where your broke, unhealthy, and unhappy. In short, it keeps you from being fulfilled and living your best life. Who Runs The Matrix? The "global elite" very well knows that to have power, they have to keep you down. This power is...


AI- What It Is Really, Benefits, Fear Of AI, Natural Intelligence, and Utilization

What Is AI Really? AI (Artificial Intelligence) is a field of science that involves building computers and machines that can reason, learn, and act in a way that would normally require human intelligence or that involves data whose scale exceeds what humans can analyze. It is a simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. Specific applications of AI include expert systems, natural language processing, speech recognition, and machine vision. Benefits Of AI It has been effectively used in business to automate...


How To Create A Culture Of Winning- Start With You, Add Value, Captain Of Your Ship

What Is A culture Of Winning? A winning culture is a space where it's members believe and know that winning is expected. It is not acceptable to be average. Everyone in it knows that to be in it, you must be the greatest version of yourself. How To Develop A Winning Culture Start with you- If you want to attract a tribe of winners, you must first become one. Work on your inner landscape. This means your thought, emotions, how you talk, beliefs, and...


Meditation- What Is It, Benefits, and How To Get Started

What Is Meditation? Think of meditation as brain training. Being able to stay focused throughout the day in a world of distractions is invaluable. Meditation can reduce cortisol, which is your bodies main stress hormone. There are many different forms of mediation, but the most common type is mindfulness. Simply sit quietly where you won’t be disturbed, and observe your thoughts. Do not judge them, just notice them. Being aware of your thought can help you change them, and even still...