Yoga- History, Benefits, Different Types, and How To Get Started

History Of Yoga Yoga, as many ancient traditions, have many of thousands of years of history behind them. This is a tool that originated in ancient India. The goal of yoga was to create an equanimity state of mind. It's about creating space for prana to flow. Breathing and thought regulation cultivated through yoga can expand to everyday life. It's about finding out the truth of who you are. Benefits Of Yoga Yoga has many benefits of mind, body, and spirit. 1. Fitness Yoga has...


The Great Awakening Bitch- Straight Flexin BDE On These Tyrants, Freedom, and Victory

What Is The Great Awakening? The great awakening is how the tyrants have been planning the great reset for years, but little did they know, the great awakening would happen. The great awakening is how humanity as waken up. They have waken up to the games that the global cabal has been playing for eons. The great awakening is all about freedom, and how we can wake up to our own power. Flexing Big Dick Energy On These Tyrants 1. Game over The Don...


How To Stand For The Truth- Wisdom, Self Knowledge, and The Veil Of Illusion

What Does It Mean To Stand For The Truth? To stand for the truth is to stand for what is real. The truth is always present, the question is will we be receptive to it or not? The truth is ultimately the highest form of growth. We must be willing to strip away the layers that are not of excellence to see reality. Wisdom 1. The Truth Is The Highest Form Of Frequency The truth is all that matters in the end. You can...


Wired For Success- Success Habits, Mindset, and Staying Centered

What Does It Mean To Be Wired For Success? Being wired for success is about integrating your habits into who you are. It's about wiring yourself and integrating success habits in your life. Everything you do is on automatic because you know what exactly to do based on your training and purpose. You keep the vision in mind and the audience that your doing this for. Success Habits 1. Make your bed This is a simple, yet around habit. This allows you to start...


How To Be An Elite Decision Maker- Values, Goals, and Mental Health

What Is An Elite Decision Maker? An elite decision maker is someone who stays free in the face of adversity. They keep the mission in mind, and filter their decisions through their values. Great decisions are made quickly while changed slowly, while poor decisions are made slowly and changed quickly. Values- 1. Know your values It's important to know your values when making good decisions. If you don't know your values, it's hard to understand how to make the right decision. Your values are...


How To Develop Big Chi- Stay Free, Kingship, and Boss Shit

What Is Big Chi- Big chi is the concept of owning your energy and who you are. It's about loving life, and living it to the fullest. Do things that put yourself in your heart space. Really being connected to your purpose and why your here. Big chi also is ultimately about service and really showing up. When we show up as our best selves, we can give the gifts that were meant to. Stay Free 1. Know who you are It's very important...


How To Be A Professional- Character, Habits, and Mindsets

What Is A Professional? A professional is someone who is willing to be diligent and the best at what we do. This is someone who is willing to hold themselves to highest possible standard. It's not about being perfect, but being competent. A professional does not cut corners, and always looks to be of maximum service. Character 1. Don't cut corners A professional must not cut corners. It's important to always look for the edge, and how to get better. It's important to demand...


Habit Stacking- How To Start, Things To Avoid While Building Habits, and How To Upgrade Your Inner Game

What Is Habit Stacking? This is the concept of stacking habits and leveraging neuroscience to achieve greatness. When we stack small habits on top of each other, that's how we create momentum. It is essentially about creating positive habits based on your existing ones. The more powerful habits we have in our life, the more successful we will be. How To Start Habit Stacking 1. Have a goals in mind Understand what your working for. Be determined in your pursuit. Having an aim will...


Holistic Pregnancy- What It Is, Problems With Medicalized Birth, and How To Increase Milk Production

What Is Holistic Pregnancy? This is about having a natural birth according to nature. Nature has a specific way of getting things done, and when we abide by these laws, we will have an optimal outcome. There are a lot of things that can go wrong with pregnancy, and it's important to know the ins and outs for optimal results. The Problems With Medicalized Birth Dorsal lithotomy position- This is the modern day birthing position done in hospitals. It was developed by Louie the...


Traditional Chinese Medicine- History, Pillars, and How To Utilize It In Your Life

What Is Traditional Chinese Medicine? This is a system that has been around for thousands of years. It is a holistic approach to healing and vitality. There are certain pillars of this that put everything into place. It used to be that you paid your doctor when you were healthy, as opposed to today when you pay your doctor when your sick. Pillars Of Chinese Medicine The pillars of Chinese medicine are all about energy and how it relates to disease. Stagnant chi...