Ass Backwards- Racism, Politics, and How To Be A Real One

Ass Backwards-

In our society, we tend to have a lot of things backwards. We take real concepts, and take them to the ridiculous extreme to where they no longer make any sense. A lot of times this is intentional by the powers that be to keep us divided. Unfortunately for them, freedom wins. I’m not really going to discuss the topics, but more so how to address them.


Yes, racism is real, and is a concept that keeps us divided. Unfortunately, the media causes a lot of issues by saying things are racist when they blatantly aren’t. When we constantly say things that aren’t real, the word tends to lose it’s meaning, and it’s harder to address the actual issue. Also, the way we speak about it is often racist, for example, saying all white people are racist just worsens the problem. How can you ever remove a character trait if you believe it’s part of your identity. You must do the inner healing work to address the root issue. This includes, past experiences, beliefs, and values.


Politics these days are one sided. The reality is that I don’t care, I just care about the truth. We should not politicize ideology, we should just focus on what is real and what isn’t. It has divided us in a tremendous way. When we are divided, we can not stand for what is real. United we stand, divided we fall. One side is clearly woke and operating out of clownhood. The other is more so aligned with what is real. The more we can come together, the better. We must understand each other for this to happen. In order to do this, we must focus come to the truth within. Overcome all the obstacles and challenges within to become the greatest version of you.

How To Be A Real One

What does it mean to be a real one? Essentially this means being the greatest version of you in all situations. It’s about seeing through all the nonsense, and coming to a state where all things you know to be true are coming to fruitioon. You wil set and uphold the standard of excellence. You know that you matter, and will stay free in all circumstances. Knowledge is not power, knowledge applied is power and wisdom. You look out ofr the world, and really want to make a change. Your heart is in a good place, and you never give up on what is real. Stay free my friend.

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