How To Be Greatness- Mindset, Health, Wealth, Relationships, and Altruism

What Does Greatness Actually Mean?

Greatness is the ability to discover ones gifts through the process of self examination, and using those gifts to serve the world. Greatness is overcoming your own obstacles and short comings. Essentially getting beyond yourself to realize the bigger picture.

How Do You Become Great?

Greatness is earned through having a mission and optimizing every area of your life. It is not okay to be one dimensional because every area of your life is going to impact the rest of the areas. For example, if your a health coach, you do not just want to study health; you also want to study wealth, business, relationships, and anything else that needs improvement. If you want to be great at anything, you have to make it a study. Study doesn’t just mean books, podcasts, seminars, which you should do, but it also entails your own experience and learning from that.

Tenets Of Greatness

1. Mindset

Mindset is the tenet of greatness, this is because it will directly influence every decision that you make. Our decisions shape our reality. Habits are formed through repetitive behavior towards a specific goal. Not all habits are conscious, many of them are ones that we grow up with through our environment, and may or may not be serving us. Examining our beliefs, values, and how we think about things in all areas of life will determine our reality.

2. Health

Without health, you have nothing. We spend so much time chasing other things and neglecting our health, only to eventually stop doing everything because our health is the only thing we can pay attention to. To be healthy, our body requires that you follow certain principles. There are certain things that your genes expect of you in order to express health, such as eat real food, move, sleep quality, and healthy relationships.

3. Wealth

Wealth is critically important, as it is the oxygen that fuels our dreams. Without it, it’s very difficult to live an abundant life. You see, wealth is the direct extension to the amount of value we add to people. It also goes far beyond money. Wealth also entails how you feel about money, and your confidence in handling it. There are many rich people who are simultaneously broke. This is because while they have the skill of making money, perhaps they still don’t feel worthy, thus they spend it all with nothing in savings our investing. Your ability to think more abundantly will attract more wealth because it will cause you to make higher quality decisions.

4. Relationships

Relationships are the glue that hold our reality together. Without them, we are weak. If you are going to do anything great, it’s going to be with and through the help of other people. We are in relationship with everything. This includes ourselves, God, and other people. Building healthy relationships starts with the one with yourself. As you work on your life, grow and expand, you will have more capacity to be of service and relate to others.

5. Altruism

This is the character trait of looking out for life as a whole. Being able to see people for who they are and willing to help. You see the value in all life, and will do anything to preserve and expand it. Being generous is a virtue. Giving from your overflow so you are not left drained. Anytime you truly have the ability to help someone, do it. The more you give, the more you get. Even with that, you are not giving to get, but giving to serve. We are all connected, and if other people are winning, in a way we all are. The rising tide raises all ships, and there’s enough for everyone.


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