Wired For Success- Success Habits, Mindset, and Staying Centered

What Does It Mean To Be Wired For Success?

Being wired for success is about integrating your habits into who you are. It’s about wiring yourself and integrating success habits in your life. Everything you do is on automatic because you know what exactly to do based on your training and purpose. You keep the vision in mind and the audience that your doing this for.

Success Habits

1. Make your bed

This is a simple, yet around habit. This allows you to start off the day n the right foot, and get going. The alternative can lead to disorganization. How you do anything is how you do everything, and this only takes 30 seconds.

2. Drink water

Staying hydrated allows you to focus better throughout the day, and accomplish more. Water is responsible for countless processes in the body, including build hormones, neurotransmitters, and maintaining DNA. Start off by drinking water in the morning. For bonus, add high quality sea salt for extra benefits.

3. Read

Learn and study your craft, or any area that interests you. Growing your knowledge base will help you expand your life faster. If it’s not reading, then engage in another form of learning. It’s important to live intentionally, and use the tools at your disposal.

4. Self assessment

Those who self assess will improve rapidly. Self assessment is about taking inventory of what is and what isn’t working in your life so you can make the necessary adjustment. Some tools that can help with this are journaling, meditation, and asking empowering questions.

5. Breathing

Take time to learn breath work. Learning how to be still is key. There are many ways to do this, but breath work is powerful. Proper breathing overall is a good idea. Your nose is really designed for breathing, and does a better job of filtering the air, and goes deeper into your lungs. The breath is the key to awareness.


1. Awareness

It’s important to have awareness in all areas of life. The more awareness that we have, the more we can use it to our advantage. If were trying to solve a problem, we need to gain knowledge on the situation in order to fix it. This can come from the internal of external.

2. Freedom orientation

We must really want to win. Want to grow and flourish in all areas of life. Were not mean to be average, were meant for greatness. Freedom comes from within, and who we become. Success is really about who you come in the process. Who you are to be you are now becoming. If we have a goal in mind, we must know that we can achieve, and do everything in our power to get it.

3. Service orientation

It’s important to have a heart of service. Really want to serve and make a change. This will drive our actions on a day to day basis. With out a vision, people perish. Keep other people in mind, and call upon your why when necessary. The more you serve, the more you will receive.

4. Growth

Haver the mindset of growth present. Always look for ways to grow and become more. The very nature of life is growth. The key of personal development is to know were enough, yet always strive for more. To be in flow with life is to live in the frequency fo growth.

5. Believe in yourself

You have to be willing to rely on yourself and trust your decisions. If you don’t long term success will be very hard. You do this by putting yourself in challenging situations, and making it out of it. Also, challenging yourself on a day to day basis. Doing hard things everyday will make you hard. Just make sure the things are aligned with your goals.

Stay Centered

1. Habits and routine

These are important because you have the opportunity to wire your nervous system how you choose. This protects you from being lazy. This is because your body will crave a positive routine that will act as compound interest. We all have these things anyways, so we may as well do it intentionally.

2. Calm and ready

Having a strong nervous system is key. This can be done through breath work, intention setting, cold showers, journaling, and time in nature. Yes it’s important to practice mental tactics and perspective, but we can’t neglect the day to day practices that sharpen the mind.

3. Faith over fear

When moving along your path, it’s important to practice faith instead of fear. We do this everyday by practicing our emotions. Having awareness is the first step. Being aware of how we respond to life. From there, we can choose to respond in a way that is advantageous to our goals.


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