Time- What Is It, How To Shape Shift, and Bend Reality

What Is The Essence Of Time?

Time essentially is an illusion. All we have is now, the past is gone and the future hasn’t happened yet. When they did, they happened in the now. We can’t even really manage it, but we can change how we move within it. When we understand time, we can use it to our benefit.

How To Bend Reality

Learn how to bend reality-

This is the concept of transforming unwanted energy into something useful. This can be done through patience and practice. For example, if someone gives you a form of negative energy, be silent and observe it, then use it by directing it toward them. In order to do this, you must be grounded in principles and truth. By this, Once you have that down, you are able to then guide them in a positive direction.

How to bend and compress time-

This has to do time itself. Understanding that if we learn how to think faster, and feel faster, we can increase the speed at which things come to us. When were able to bend space and time, we in turn can effect the universe. This has to take practice, and is a skill that can be developed like anything else.

If Things Are Going To Get Better, I have To Get Better-

Whatever it is in life, a hard situation, or things are not going your way; the solution is not to look to the external, but to the internal. You must get better. Don’t let your people down.

Brain Reserve-
This is the concept of expanding our cognitive capacity. Anytime we engage in negative habits, such as TV, video games, or anything that detracts from our mission, we use energy that could be for our long term goals. A boss is game tight and ready.
Emotional Resistance Training-
Anytime were about to hit our emotional threshold for what ever it is, and about to go over the edge so to speak; we get to choose freedom or fear. Freedom will allow us to build emotional reserve so it will be easier next time. Putting in reps for emotional strength.
How To Make Decisions Under Pressure-
Focus on first principles, have many weapons ready. Stay aligned physically, have steady breathing and a goal in mind. You must trust in yourself and your training. It does not have to be perfect. Understand your why and the how will come.
Time Management
As I said before you can’t really manage time, but you can change how you move within it. Here are some practices to help you do just that.

1. Take care of your health

Health mastery is the combination of mindset and physical, mental, and spiritual practices to achieve optimal health. It requires that you take agency over yourself and your body. The only way to master your health is to take 100% responsibility. The thing about mastering your health, is that when you do, you can act as a guide to help others do the same. The more healthy you are, and the better you feel, the more productive you will be.

2. Speed

How do you get so much shit done? I do it now. You don’t have what you want because your too slow, you procrastinate. Doing things now works because speed is key. Speed is very important because it lets the universe know your not playing around, and you mean business. You have a sense of urgency.

3. Take breaks and process

Taking breaks and processing information and what you have learned will lead to better and quicker decision making. Processing what you know leads to wisdom. We have something called the default mode network in our brain, and it’s job is to go to work solving problems during periods of rest.

4. Stay free

This is the concept of being free mentally, emotionally, and physically. This is important because it will allow you to be productive in the face of adversity. This takes internal work and introspection. Doing this will lead to better outcomes in life.

5. No mercy

Have no mercy when it comes to your dreams and goals. Be relentless in your pursuit. Have no mercy on the path to freedom. Never surrender, and always win. This has to be put in context. This has to be done with principles. I am more so talking about going after a goal in your heart that you know is yours, keep going.


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