The Voice Of A King- How To Manipulate Chi, Stay Free, and Bend Reality

The Voice Of A King-

It is the voice of a king, the voice of freedom. A story that echos on for eternity, the story of the one. It is he that is willing to sacrifice who they are for what they could become that will have the world. A king lives by certain principles, and conducts himself in such a way that can’t be ignored. This is because he is a mirror for your own potential. It’s within all of us, the question is, will you wake up to that or not?

Being Direct, and Upright-

Master the art of shutting the fuck up-

Learning to listen and be still is key. When we become still, we can become wise because it is through the silence that we can be open and receptive to truth. Silence opens up new channels and pathways in our brain than if were always talking. Given our brains time to process and think activated the default mode network (DMN) in our brain, which is designed for problem solving. We are inundated with a plethora of information everyday. We have a ton of knowledge, but are starving for wisdom. Rarely do we stop, think, and process what we actually learned. There is a lack of deep thought and devotion to excellence. Be a light, not a shadow. Processing information and applying what we know leads to wisdom.

Learn how to bend reality-

This is the concept of transforming unwanted energy into something useful. This can be done through patience and practice. For example, if someone gives you a form of negative energy, be silent and observe it, then use it by directing it toward them. In order to do this, you must be grounded in principles and truth. By this, Once you have that down, you are able to then guide them in a positive direction.

Know what you stand for-

Knowing what you stand for by knowing your principles and values will lead your moral compass. This will allow you to make wise decisions, and stay free. If you don’t know what you stand for, then you will fall for anything. You must have yours and the other persons best interest in mind.

Bending Reality-

You don’t attract what you want, you attract who you are-

Everybody wants things, but it’s really through our habits, what were exposed to, beliefs, and actions by which we attract things. Becoming aware of what were watching, what were listening to, who were hanging around, addictions, and ways of being that don’t serve us. Awareness is the first step to change. Once your aware, you can take the necessary steps to change it.

Conscious language-

Our inner voice, our thoughts, how we talk to ourselves; we are constantly speaking things into existence. Becoming aware of our speech, not complaining, and using our inner voice to empower us instead of disempower us.


What you appreciate appreciates. What you focus on tends to expand. Focusing on what you have and celebrating what you want will make things happen faster because what you want wants you.

Freedom Orientation-

Freedom wins-

They never can be as strong or as fast as us because they live in a reality that operates based on rules. Stand for freedom means to stand for whats real. You will not take orders from tyrants. Everything is birthed from freedom. The reality is that it can not be taken, they never gave it to us in the first place. Freedom is inherent in us, sure you can shut things down, but you can never take the true essence of freedom. We don’t play by the rules, we live by principle. Discipline equals freedom. Yes you can do whatever you want, but what are your results? If you want to be healthy, wealthy, or have great relationships; we must have the discipline to implement certain practices, habits, and mindset to get the results. They think they control us, but they misunderstand, freedom can’t be contained.


Develop BDE-

BDE (big dick energy) is embodying who you are. It’s the way of being that includes a combination of attitude, practices, and energy. Being in control of your masculine energy will allow you to live the life that you choose. Channeling your gifts into your women and the world.


Stoicism is essentially about remaining at peace while accepting the things that you can not change, and focusing your energy towards your actions. It’s not about denying or suppressing emotions, but is about utilizing them in an intelligent way toward a worthy ideal.

Become a sayer-

Everything you say, you must speak into existence, meaning say what you mean, and mean what you say. Strength and honor, do not just talk to impress, but do it to express to people what is possible.



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