The Psychology of Health- Beliefs, Internal Wiring, and the Mindset to Create Health

Where Our Beliefs Originate

From the ages of 0-2 we are in delta brain waves. This is basically a sleep state. After that from the age to about 7, we are in theta brain waves. This is the state that were in when were about to fall asleep and is very meditative. This is why were so impressional as kids, and where most of our beliefs come from. You may have a belief system that you are overweight because thats just the norm in your family. The belief that you are someone who just struggles with weight. This is also why when we start a new diet or health intervention that self sabotage takes place. It’s the old beliefs that we have, and until we change the internal wiring, we are going to struggle.

How to Change Your Internal Wiring For Health

Changing your taste buds-

In the 1950s, a device called the gas chromatograph was created. This device can detect substances in minute amounts. Flavor exists in very tiny quantities in food, even parts per trillion. It volatilizes the chemicals in food, puts them in a coil. In the coil, they arrange in to their constituent parts, then you can analyze them using mass spectrometry. This allows us to know and create flavor. How do we train our taste buds for real food? Avoid ultra processed foods. As I’ve said, these foods are artificially engineered to have all the flavor, but no nutrition. Also, add a wide variety of foods that hit all the flavor sensations. A lot of people are just used to hammering sweets, so their palate is not accustom to sensations that are bitter. Food will taste better when we balance our palate again. Real food is meant to be enjoyed, and great flavor is an indicator of great nutrition.


If you have not eaten for a while, or just doing intermittent fasting, the food you eat when you break the fast will taste much better. Your body pulls you to eat something after a while and food tends to taste better when were having it for the first time again. This is a time to have something bitter like vegetables, this will train your tastebuds to appreciate different flavor sensations.


Juicing is a great way to sneak in the new flavor sensations, as well as a delivery system for a lot of micronutrients. To learn more about juicing, click here.

Addressing nutrient deficiencies-

Chronic nutrient deficiency leads to chronic over eating. A craving is essentially your body telling you that you need a particular nutrient. When your body is getting what it needs, and not just empty calories, it will be less compelled to eat all the time.

The Mindset of Health Habits

Self assessment-

Developing self awareness and knowing yourself is always the first step. Knowing your tendencies, thoughts and beliefs. You can’t know where your going if you don’t know where you are. What would the beliefs, habits, and actions that the person you want to become have? Walk in that direction.


Taking ownership for your health is the most important thing you can do. It’s not in the hands of your doctor, parents, or anyone else. Regardless of your health history, you can choose to take agency now. The pen is in your hands, and you can rewrite your story.

See your health as an asset-

Your health is probably the biggest asset that you have because it gives you an advantage in everything that you do. Seeing it as a leverage point to accomplish what you want, and be your greatest version.

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