The Power Of Gratitude- Growth and Service On The Mind, Proven Benefits, and A Vision For A Better Future

What Is Gratitude?

This is the ability to be grateful for our current life. It does not mean that we necessarily have to like everything that has happened, but we can at least be grateful for the lessons. When we do this, we become a victor and not a victim of our story. The great thing is that we can then pass this on to further generations. There is a field of science called psychoneyuro biology. This indicated how we think and feel influences our biology. Every thought that we think releases correlating chemistry. Thoughts can become things, but can also be created without thoughts.

The Power Of Gratitude

The power of gratitude is immanent. What we appreciate appreciates. This means what we focus on tends to expand. The more we focus on what we have as opposed to what we don’t have, the more we will actually receive. No matter how small the thing is, the energy of the emotion leads us to take generative action as opposed to degenerate. The better we feel, the easier it will be to take positive action.


We must celebrate the thing that it is that we want. This includes people, places, and things. Jealous energy does not lead to getting what you want. Life is a mirror, it’s up to us to interpret it. Our inner world creates our outer world. When we operate with this type of energy, it allows us to ask better questions, and better questions lead to better answers.

Growth and Service On The Mind

I wake up everyday with growth and service on the mind. Freedom at the forefront. What questions do I need to ask, and decisions do I need to make today for a better future? In the face of temptation remember your why, and the people your doing this for. Never put immediate gratification before the mission.

Proven Benefits Of Gratitude

1. Improves overall mental wellness

Gratitude has been shown to improve overall mental wellness. This includes psychopathology, personality, relationships, health, subjective and eudemonic well-being, and humanistically orientated functioning. Study participates with a gratitude practice had significantly higher scores.

2. Improves Immunity

Gratitude has been shown to improve overall immunity. Most notably, white blood cells and macrophages.

3. Regulates blood pressure

gratitude has been shown to reduce stress and regulate blood pressure.

Gratitude In Advance

We must be grateful for things in advance. I am talking about before we even have them. This is because it will pull it to us faster. Taking the necessary steps and actions to change your life.

Gratitude Is A State Of Being

Gratitude is a state of being. This means it’s something that we can become by being the greatest versions of ourselves. Working on self improvement, health, wealth, and relationships. This is important because the more we grow, the more we can give.

How To Be Grateful

Focus on the small things, and why they matter to you. Bring to attention people, places, and things. How would things be different if they were gone? Also, expand your own potential. This is the ultimate act of gratitude because you are saying you are grateful for your life by making the most of it. Remember, gratitude is a feeling, which is brought about by action. Every action that you take has the potential to lead to a more fulfilling life.

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