The Importance of Relationships and Connection on your Over all Well Being

All Relationships Start with you

This is the most important principle for all relationships. It all starts with your perceived value and what you believe your worth. All relationships begin with who you perceive yourself to be. Make sure that your doing your work on your end of the relationship. These principles are going to apply to all relationships.

Self Care

Having good self care is very important for your relationships because it’s going to effect how you show up.

1. Hydration

Our bodies are about 70% water, but this is really saying that it’s used to create new tissues. Also, it’s responsible for maintenance of DNA, facilitating reactions in the mitochondria, and moving the lymphatic system. Taking your body weight and dividing it by two is a good start to see how much water you should drink. Add more or less depending on your activity level.

2. Exercise

Exercise is important the move the lymphatic system. This is the system that manages extra cellular waste. Unlike the blood, this system does not have a pump, and requires movement in order for it to work.

3. Sleep

Sleep is necessary for so many things, including cardiovascular, cognitive, and immune health. Practicing good sleep hygiene will improve your quality of sleep. Things like sleeping in a blacked out room, cold environment, and getting sun in the morning.

4. Living in alignment with your values

Living in alignment with your values means having boundaries and speaking your truth. Doing things that fill your cup up so you have an abundance to share.

Signs you Need to Adjust or Move on from a Relationship

1. The relationship brings you more hurt than happiness

Sometimes you may have hurt in a relationship, but you should not have to struggle. No one can make you happy, but the relationship should not bring consistent hurt.

2. They take more than they give

You should have equal sacrifice, but not equal giving. This means that the giving should be mutual, but not necessary mean equal amounts. One person may have a lot of money, if you don’t, you can give time.

3. It makes you sacrifice your values

If your in a situation where people make you do things that do not feel good to you in your heart, this is sacrificing your values. If you speak up and mention how you feel and they still don’t listen, this is a sign to adjust.

4. Expecting someone to change

We have an idea of how we believe someone might be in the future, but they don’t demonstrate that in the now. When people show you who they are, believe them. The perception of them being different in the future must be based on evidence that they are willing to make progress now.

5. They don’t celebrate your success

This may be a sign you need to move on from a relationship. If you are taking control of your health, and people are trying to hold you back, be mindful of this. Also, make sure your doing the same. If your people have a win, celebrate. The rising tide raises all ships. If one person wins, we all win. If you celebrate success, you will bring more to you because what you appreciate appreciates.

5 Steps to Create a Healthy Relationship

1. Willingness

Being willing to change, grow, and evolve is critical in a relationship. If one is not willing, then progress can not be made. If you are able to accept the person anyway, great, but if not, maybe it’s time to adjust.

2. Growth

Healthy relationships require growth. Being able to be there for each other and expand is growth. If your growing and the other person is not, you may need to adjust. Perhaps they play a different role in your life.

3. Appreciation

Appreciating and respecting each other matters. Acknowledging what people do and focusing on the good in them. Let them know how much they matter.

4. Integrity

Integrity is the foundation of which you can grow and expand from. Being authentic and expressing your needs is what it’s about. Knowing that people are going to follow through and are who they say they are.

5. Values

Having aligned values means you know whats important to you and the other person. All the values don’t have to be aligned, but enough in order to be on the same wavelength. If your values are not aligned, you won’t vibe with each other and it won’t last long.

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