Stem Cells- What They Are, How They Work, Different Varieties, Stem Cell Therapies, Exosomes, Placentas, and How To Naturally Increase Them Through Lifestyle

What Are Stem Cells?

A stem cell is the original cell (primordial cell) that has the capability of producing a full human being. The cells undergo cellular division to create more cells. Then they undergo differentiation, or specialization to create different organs.

How Do They Work?

Stem cells are quiescent in different tissues of the body. Then they are called upon for repair and undergo maturation and specialization to recreate the tissue that needs repair.

Different Types Of Stem Cells


Can only turn into one type of cell, like a red blood cell.


Can turn into multiple types of cells.


Can turn into even more cells, including immune cells.


Can turn into any type of cell in your body.

Different Types Of Stem Cell Therapy


Donor and recipient of the same person, or stem cells from your own body. This comes from bone marrow, fat, or VSELS (very small embryonic-like stem cells).


Donor and recipient of other people, or stem cells that are coming from other people. It’s derived from birth tissue products like the placenta and umbilical cord.

Why the Placenta is Used For Stem Cells In Medicine

This organ had been prized by our ancestors for thousands of years for it’s healing properties. The placenta is the supply system for the development of the baby. It is also the original station for the stem cells This is where they expand, propagate, and differentiate to become part of the baby.

How Exosomes Increase the Effectiveness Of Stem Cells

Exosomes are extracellular vesicles that are released from stem cells. They carry genetic information and proteins to cells throughout your body, and they create paths for communication between cells. Exosomes are the active ingredient in stem cells that causes growth and repair.

How To Increase Stem Cells Through Lifestyle

Stem cells can thrive and proliferate in a healthy environment. Your body requires certain inputs in order to thrive.

1. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)

HBOT has been shown to increase stem cell release by over 800%. Another study showing how treatment at 3 ATA will significantly increase stem cell count.

2. Nutrition

There has been certain foods that have been shown to increase stem cell proliferation. Sulforaphane, an anti-oxidant found in cruciferous vegetables, has been found to stimulate stem cell proliferation and increased neuronal stem cell health. Polyphenols, found in high amounts in berries, have also been shown to increase stem cell mobilization.

3. Exercise

Exercise has been linked to the activation, mobilization, and differentiation of various types of stem cells. Exercise acts as an epigenetic trigger to activate stem cells. Aerobic exercise specifically has been shown to rejuvenate stem cells.

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