Self Doubt- What It Is, Causes, and How To Eliminate It

What Is Self Doubt?

Self doubt is the inability to stay in alignment with your highest self during unideal circumstances. It keeps us from living our best lives on all levels. It’s okay to have some, but do not let it grow and consume. It’s important to be aware of it and the source so we can transmute it until something powerful.

What Causes Self Doubt?

1. Past experiences

This is a very common one. Things that go unhealed remain with us until we deal with it. This could be an event in childhood, or some past event. These things act as software for how we see reality. Until we update it, it won’t change.

2. Inability to self access

This leads to doubt because it leads to a lack of improvement. The inability to review ones actions throughout the day will lead to not knowing what to look at and how to get better.

3. Not developing your gifts

Not living in your power will lead to doubt. This refers to the ability to fully dedicate yourself to something. Many struggle with this because they are unconsciously living someone else’s life. Their not truly invested in the task. When you truly live by your values and mission, then it’s possible to truly dedicate yourself to something.

4. Not knowing who you are

Not knowing who you are leads to doubt because it leads to a lack of living by your true values. The matrix has you confused and detached from reality. The reality is that you are enough and worthy of your dreams.

How To Generate Self Confidence

1. Operate With A Clean Plate

This refers to accomplishing the task at hand before you move on to the next. Brining less clutter where you go will help you operate more efficiently. A clean plate allows you to focus without distraction.

2. Know your why

Knowing your why is akin to knowing your purpose. When times get hard, you can call on your why. Doing things for the people you love is a common one. One persons obedience is connected to so many peoples destines; meaning everything we do can significantly impact other people. If you don’t have a why, you will get knocked down every time. Those with a why can endure almost any how.

3. Become competent

Confidence also comes from competence. The more you do something, the better you get at it, and the more confidence you have. Overcoming challenges is a great way to build confidence as well. This is because challenges build character, and more character leads to more confidence.

4. Do hard shit

Doing hard things and putting yourself through challenging situations will make you hard. This will allow you to be more resilient against obstacles, and to take more on. For example, I recently undergone a 5 day fast. I had nothing but water and bone broth for 5 days. Why did I do this? Primarily for mental resilience, but there is also a lot of health benefits. I got a lot from it in terms of character and insight. Doing things like this on a regular basis will build character and carry over to everything else in life.

5. Integrity

Integrity is the ability to keep your word with yourself. The more integrity you have, the more you will be able to serve others because they know they can rely on you. Integrity comes from staying true to you word, and being the change you wish to see in the world. When your alignment with who you really are and your purpose, you have integrity.

6. Become laser focused on your dreams

This allows you to develop your gifts and become the greatest version of yourself. It also allows you to block out distractions and focus on what matters. This is important because what occupies your mind will create your reality.



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