Prostate- What is it, Prostate Disease, Testing, and How To Improve Prostate Health

What Is the Prostate?

The prostate is a gland about the size of a walnut that sits below the bladder in men. The word prostate actually has greek origins translating to “protector of the people”.  The prostate is important it’s function for reproduction because it supplies part of the seminal fluid, which mixes with sperm fro the testes. It is also partly responsible for urine excretion.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer starts when cells mutate. The senescent cells cause inflammation and damage the surrounding area. This can also spread to other parts of the body. Symptoms include trouble urinating, blood in urine, bone pain, weight loss, or fevers.


There are a variety of ways to test for prostate cancer, including digital rectal exam, PSA, bone scans, CT scans, or PET scans.

How To Have a Healthy Prostate

1. Prostate massage

This may be helpful in pain relief and support overall prostate health.

2. Ejaculation

Ejaculation has been shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer as an act of cleaning out the prostate.

3. Pelvic floor training

Pelvic floor training includes abdominal massage with a technique called gut smashing. This involves using a squishy ball about the size of a volley ball and laying on top of it. A great one is called the body sphere. Breathe into any of the tight areas and release them. Get the area around the pelvis as well. This will loosen things up for better function.

4. Non restrictive clothing

Restrictive clothing such as belts and tight underwear and negatively impact the prostate, bladder, and testicles.

5. Nutrition

Eating real food will give your body the energy it needs to optimize and defend itself against any disease. Zinc is especially important for the prostate, the prostate actually has the highest concentration of zinc in the entire body. Some great sources are red meat, oysters, and green leafy vegetables.

6. Exercise

Exercise moves the lymphatic system, which is the system that transports immune cells throughout the body, and removes waste. It has been shown to significantly impact the outcomes of prostate cancer.

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