Power- What It Is and How To Master The Chi

What Is Power?

Power is the ability to generate life force to create the life that you want. There are many tiers of power. There are many tenets to be in place for a powerful life. The key is to stay balanced and ready. Essentially staying ready so we don’t have to get ready.

Tenets Of Power

1. Mastery

Self mastery is the concept of mastering your own reality. This does not mean you don’t have challenges, as a matter of fact, it can only be obtained through overcoming your own challenges. Knowing thyself is simple. It has been known sense the dawn of time; if we look at many ancient cultures, weather it be ancient Egypt, Greece, or beyond; the masters new they could master their reality by first mastering themselves. This is done through a lot of introspection. This can be in the form of reflection, meditation, or inquiry. This leads to breakthroughs to master the mind.

2. Master the chi

Mastering the chi requires going within. It requires breathing and relaxing. This is because it will allow you to relax and be aware. Awareness leads to change. Awareness is the first step, from there, we need to take action. After a big win, or event, take note of the energy that you have. Use this chi to reinvest and get a bigger win. A lot of these people waste it on something useless. Energetic investment is a key principle of winning.

3. Master the mind

The mind is where raw possibility takes place. Have you ever thought about what is actually possible? Free of doubt and hinderances. It’s my responsibility to make all my ascends and descends proud. Leave a legacy that will echo for eternity. One that breaks generational spells and forever marks us as great.

4. Be willing to die for the mission

If your not willing to die for what you live for, then are you really living? The answer to this question is very important. If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything. You must be willing to die for what you live for if you hope to achieve greatness. You must be willing to go all in on life. Put all your chips in like a G.

5. Relationships

Relationships are the glue that hold your life together. The exchange of chi is very important. That’s why it’s important to be aware of what you let influence you, and who you spend time with. First, be aware of your own chi. This will give you a baseline of who you are. This includes your mission, vision, and freedom. From there, you get to decide whether or not you want to expand it by being aware of your influences.

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