Personal Power, How To Gain It, Keep It, and Expand It

What Is Personal Power?

Personal power is the ability to effectively create change in your own life. This is developed by first taking control over your own life. Take inventory over everything, and see what needs to go, and where you can improve. The more responsibility you take, the more clarity you will have on what needs to be done.

How To Gain It

Personal power is gained by first taking 100% responsibility for everything in your life, good or bad. This will allow the power to be where it belongs, which is in your hands. When our power is in the hands of someone else or a circumstance, we have effectively made ourselves a victim.

Personal power is gained through everyday decisions, what we will accept and won’t accept, what we say yes to and what we say no to, things we allow and don’t allow. Those are just some examples, but the more effectively we can boos up, the better off we will be.

How To Keep It

Personal power also needs to be kept once we attain it. This is done through habit formation. When we set out to create new habits, there is a wonderful structure in our brain that allows this to happen. This structure is called myelin. Myelin is a fatty sheath that coats our nerves. It builds up anytime we repeat tasks. Myelin allows for faster signal transduction, making you better, and better at that thing. There is something called the habit loop. It consists of the trigger, routine, and the reward. The trigger is a behavior that let’s a behavior take place, and let the brain go on automatic. The routine is the actual habit that your implementing. The reward is the anchor at the end that let’s you know that the activity you did was worth while. This makes you look forward to the habit.

How To Expand It

Personal power can be expanded as a result of who we become. Success is something you attract by the person that you become. Moving with clarity is a key to success. The more clear on who you are, what you value, and your standards, the more you will be able to make aligned decisions for your future success. It doesn’t always have to be perfect, but work to develop it and to become better.

Expanding it will allow you to serve others on another level. The more power we have, the more we can lift others up and be a model. Being a model is about being the greatest version of yourself everyday, and keeping the mission in mind. The more you expand, it expands, which is the nature of life. Freedom is an act, in order to truly be free, we must be in alignment with our thoughts, words, and actions. This will allow us to get the results that we want.

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