Peace and Harmony- What It Is and How To Develop It

What Is Peace?

It is the ability to be content with oneself despite the circumstances. It involves an internal landscape that has been cultivated by healing our past, and a desire to move forward. This is important because getting over with it and on with it is key to growth.

How To Obtain Peace

1. Healer heal thyself

This is the understanding that it is our duty to heal ourselves. This is because we carry our energy everywhere we go. Where ever we go, there we are. Is your energy healing or depleting? It will show in the way you interact with people and in day to day life. When we heal ourselves, we unconsciously become an invitation for others to do the same.

2. Growth and service

Being growth and service oriented can help you have peace because it helps you get out of your head and be of service to something greater. I wake up everyday with growth and service on the mind. Freedom at the forefront. What questions do I need to ask, and decisions do I need to make today for a better future?

3. Trust The Process, Don’t Rush The Process

We often want to rush things when they’re not going our way. We revert from the plan, and away from the mission. If we just stayed with the process, the path would unfold correctly. It’s when we lose trust, we lose our win.

4. Done Is Better Than Perfect

Anytime I publish a podcast, write an article, or speak at an event; there’s always something I could of done different. Always something to do better, or say different, but at some point you just have to publish that shit. Take the lessons and apply them to the next win.

5. Clarity

Clarity is the key to success. It is the foundation because with out it, it’s hard to move forward in a positive direction. We gain clarity through empowering questions and by becoming aware of what we really want.

Relationship With Life

We are in relationship to everything, including life as a whole. Our responses to things, understanding life is a mirror. Life reflects to us what is inside of us, as our inner world creates our outer world. Peace comes through the cultivation of inner stillness and a willingness to be free.

Inner Terrain

Our inner terrain consists of our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, values, standards, and ways of being. Taking on practices such as introspection and meditation can help us develop awareness to create change. Meditation helps us be unfazed in the eye of the tornado. Being calm in chaos, or equanimity. This is because our nervous system gets used to having our mind still, and this can carry over to everyday life. Meditation is a practice, and will notice the benefits in mysterious ways outside of it.


Harmony is being aligned and having a resonance with life. This requires a lack of judgement and an acceptance of what is. When we do this, we are able to see what is real and have compassion for life.

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