Networking- What It Is, and How To Do it

What Is Networking?

Networking is the ability to connect with other individuals in an effective way toward a worthy ideal. This will accomplish a number of things. It allows you to expand your energy, reach, and influence. Networking is important because it gives you the ability to expand the mission, and the world at large.

How To Start Networking

1. Build your tribe

Find like minded individuals in the sense that they are on purpose, and about growth and service. This is important because you want to be around generative energy. Energy that leads somewhere positive. We are not just products of our environment, we are creators of our environment. Looking for people that are also diverse in a variety of skills and backgrounds is a good idea as well, as long as they have a foundation of growth and service. You are not just looking for the average clown.

2. Look to add value

Lead with value, and be a light for others. You want to be the one that people look to knowing that you will add value to their lives in some way. This is important because relationships that are mutual are healthy, and parasitic ones are not. The interesting thing is that the more you add value, the more people will want to add value to you. Don’t over exert yourself in such a way that leaves you depleted. Be decerning and intelligent in your approach.

3. Build a team

If we are going to accomplish anything great, it’s going to be with and through the help of other people. We can not do success alone. You can be sweet for a while, but you can truly change the world with a superhero team. Find like minded people in places where they would be. Go to where people grow and lift each other up.

4. Keep contacts

Be sure that you are feeding all areas of your network. Be sure that not too much time passes before connecting with someone. It’s important to nurture relationships. Be the first to reach out, and be a leader. This type of energy will model what’s possible.

5. Set and withhold standards

Standards are the bench marks that we have for ourselves in our lives. They are things that we will and won’t accept. In order to create standards, we must first start with the mind. Our mind is where they are all born. Go through each area of your life and see if there is anything that is not worthy, of you, your goals and values. If there is, make adjustments, or eliminate it.

6. Boundaries

Boundaries are vary healthy if set properly. These are essentially ways in which you would like to be addressed, or conduct your life. These are important because if you don’t have them, people may cross the line without even knowing it. You don’t always need to communicate everything, some things are unsaid, bet when necessary, make sure you communicate.

7. Be self honoring

Making healthy decisions for yourself in all areas is not selfish, but self honoring. Whatever that looks like for you. You must work to be the greatest version of yourself. From that place, you can add the most amount of value. Also, make sure the people in your circle are able to do the same thing. Having respect and integrity is key.

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