Momentum- What It Is, How To Keep It, Mindset, Service, and Mission

What Is Momentum?

Momentum is the consistency of positive action toward a goal, or worthy ideal. Some times it’s with you, and others not, but when it is, it’s a beautiful thing. There are certain key strategies you can take on to keep the momentum. With momentum on your side, you will make your dreams a reality.

Steps To Gain and keep Momentum


Creating awareness of who you are and what you want is key. This is because awareness is the first step to change. Gaining clarity of our goals, values, and beliefs will give us direction.

Freedom orientation-

Being freedom orientated is essentially operating without any limits. When you dream beyond all measure, you give yourself permission to say what it is that you really want. We have something called the reticular activating system (RAS) in the brain, which acts as a filter of what’s going on in the unconscious. That part of the brain is designed to focus on what is important to you, and block out the rest.

No retreat, no surrender-

If you have a goal that you know in your heart is your, you must go for it. There will always be challenges that come up, but we must persevere. Obstacles are just opportunities to find out what to do differently. Failure is feedback, don’t change the goal, adjust the approach. The only time to change your goal is if it’s no longer in alignment with you, or it’s common sense to do so. In this case it is not quitting, it’s just making an intelligent decision that will set you up for future success.


Strength and honor-

This refers to your word being your bond. If you say your going to do something, it’s already done. You may not accomplish all your goals, but you always give everything you have. Integrity is key, if you don’t have it, what do you really have? Be who you say you are, and live on purpose.

Become unfazed-

This refers to being still in the heat of battle. When bullets are flying, are you able to stay calm? This takes practice, training the mind through hormetic stressors and stress relieving practices. When you live in faith, you know it will all work out, and there is no need to fear. When fear comes up, you know how to handle it. You must Know fear. Notice that I did not say no fear, but know fear. This is because courage can’t exist in the absence of fear. It is only through circumstances that produce fear that we can demonstrate courage. For this we must know fear and understand it. We must understand our own tendencies and dispositions to fear so we can create a plan. Fear in of itself is not bad, it’s actually quite an important tool. It’s more about how we manage the fear. How do we use fear as an asset and to better associate with it? Under fear or stress, the blood vessels of our prefrontal cortex (responsible for cognition) get shut, and the blood goes to the amygdala which is the part of the brain responsible for fight or flight. When this happens you become less intelligent and reactive. The so called powers that be know this very well and use it as a control tactic to pay attention, or do what they say. We must develop self awareness and situational awareness in order to critically think about the situation. We tend to fear what we don’t understand. When you are present, you are much more able to consciously determine whether the fear is real or not.

Service and Mission


This is the character trait of looking out for life as a whole. Being able to see people for who they are and willing to help. You see the value in all life, and will do anything to preserve and expand it. Being generous is a virtue. Giving from your overflow so you are not left drained. Anytime you truly have the ability to help someone, do it. The more you give, the more you get. Even with that, you are not giving to get, but giving to serve. We are all connected, and if other people are winning, in a way we all are. The rising tide raises all ships, and there’s enough for everyone.


Purpose is what wakes you up everyday with enthusiasm and direction. It gives you a foundation on how to build your life. The thing about purpose, is that it’s not always great, it will give you a lot of challenges as well. I believe the foundation of everyones purpose is growth and service, but how everyone expresses that is going to be different. Your purpose can also change overtime, but not the foundation. I used to believe that it had to be tied in with your career, but not necessarily. Perhaps now, it’s to be the best parent you can be, and maybe in a few years it will be something else. Developing your purpose will keep you moving forward and excited.

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