Minerals- Role Of Minerals, Different Categories, Fulvic and Humic Acid, Quinton, and Salt

Role Of Minerals In The Body

Minerals are substances in the body used to communicate a variety of signals. The adrenals are a store house of minerals and depends on them heavily for modulating stress.

Different Types Of Minerals

Rock based minerals-

This is what you think of as salt. There are many different forms of salt, it’s not just about sodium, there is also magnesium and potassium based salts. Real salt actually has over 80 minerals in it.

Plant based minerals-

These are formed when plants and animals break down, and can be extracted from soil and compost. They are also used to clean up the environment from environmental toxins. Fulvic and humic acids are always found together.


This group of minerals has many health benefits. Amongst these are chelation, immunomodulation, and acts as a diuretic. Fulvic is a powerful type of flavonoid, or plant antioxidant. It also helps other nutrients absorb because of it’s electric. charge.


Humic stays in the blood stream, and is able o detoxify and chelate any heavy metals, free radicals, and other toxins. It’s so effective at doing this that they use this in toxic waste dumps to clean up the area.


Quinton is the most mineral dense product harvested from plankton blooms. It was discovered by Rene Quinton, a famous biologist that studied sea water. He discovered that marine plasma is nearly identical in the chemical makeup and osmotic concentration to that of human blood plasma. This may indicate that we evolved from the ocean. Taking this may balance the inner ocean of your body.

Types of Quinton-


This is collected from vortex plankton blooms, cold sterilized, and diluted to a salinity of 0.9% to obtain a mineral composition practically identical to that of our body fluids.  This unique composition allows Quinton direct in the extracellular matrix (the fluid bathing our cells), to maintain a balance, nourish cells, and promote a parasympathetic healing state.


This contains up to 78 bioavailable minerals and trace elements in a pure seawater solution of 3.3% salinity, which facilitates its passage into the cell for  replenishment, remineralization, and rehydration of the body. This is more of a nutritive product for overall mineral balance.

Importance Of Salt

There is a difference between salt, and sodium, even know they are often lumped together. Salt, among many things, contains electrolytes, such as magnesium, sodium and potassium. These are responsible for signal transduction, or sending messages throughout your brain. Sodium is required to maintain proper fluid balance in the brain. Research done at Mcgill university showed that sodium functions an an on/off switch in the brain for neurotransmitters. This is very protective for the brain. It’s also important for muscle contractions. About 80% of the sodium that people are taking in is through processed foods. There is often access sodium in these foods, and it comes along with sugar, and other processed ingredients. When we see research on people, and sodium, they often don’t take into account the other things in the food. Sodium also helps regulate blood pressure. When people have high blood pressure, the force of that blood is damaging the blood vessels, and the cardio vascular system overall. Researchers at Harvard concluded that low salt intake is linked to insulin resistance in test subjects. Salt supports healthy hormone function because they are dependent on minerals.


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