Legacy- What It Is, How To Leave One, Spirituality, and Purpose

What Is Legacy?

Legacy is the ability to leave a better world for future generations. A world that is better because of the impact you have made. This takes being the greatest version of oneself. Sacrificing who you are for what you could become. Giving up all negative behavior that leads to generation. We never up short term gratification over the mission. The mission always comes first.

How To Leave A legacy

Understand your actions-

Understand that your actions have the ability to create change and move mountains over time? How are you using your time? What is time? Time is an experience that is influenced by our choices. Our choices are determined by our beliefs and what we believe is possible.


Possibility is the boundless capability that is inherent in us. What is actually possible? Be honest, and dream without limits. It’s not that you can be everything, but you can be everything that you are. This means that not everything is for us, but everything that we are designed to be is brought into action through our own doing.

Have peoples best interest-

A leader muse have peoples best interest. Not coming from a place of knowing what’s best for other people, but acting as a guide to people to their own answers. A real leader acts as a model to unlock peoples own potential.

Know your people-

Knowing your people is vital because each person is truly unique. You can not talk to everyone the same, each person will respond differently. The thing is a leader must adapt is approach while relying on foundational principles.

Look to add value-

Lead with value, and be a light for others. You want to be the one that people look to knowing that you will add value to their lives in some way. This is important because relationships that are mutual are healthy, and parasitic ones are not. The interesting thing is that the more you add value, the more people will want to add value to you. Don’t over exert yourself in such a way that leaves you depleted. Be decerning and intelligent in your approach.


Energetic fitness-

Energetic fitness is just like physical fitness, but dealing with the spirit realm. When a setback happens, how quickly are you able to alchemize that challenge and turn it into a gift? Are you able to see the value? Nothing has meaning except for the meaning that you give it. Just like going to the gym will develop the physical body, going to the inner gym will help develop the energetic body. This entails rigorous mental training, meditation, practices like qigong. When we become aware of our tendencies, and how we respond to things, we can change and attract more of what we want. When we are energetically fit, the easier it will be to manifest.

Spiritual warrior-

A spiritual warrior is someones who chooses to be on their path rather than follow the crowd. Your purpose is a big part of what defines you, and guides your everyday actions. You fight for what’s real and moral. Striving to be your best everyday and get better.

Honor The Craft And Devotion To Excellence-

You must honor your craft. You are not where you want to be because you waste your energy on meaningless tasks. Your energy is diluted, and are lacking a devotion to excellence. You must know what you want and spend every waking hour toward it. Whatever it is, any area of life; are you really devoted to excellence?

What is purpose?
Purpose is what wakes you up everyday with enthusiasm and direction. It gives you a foundation on how to build your life. The thing about purpose, is that it’s not always great, it will give you a lot of challenges as well. I believe the foundation of everyones purpose is growth and service, but how everyone expresses that is going to be different. Your purpose can also change overtime, but not the foundation. I used to believe that it had to be tied in with your career, but not necessarily. Perhaps now, it’s to be the best parent you can be, and maybe in a few years it will be something else.

Build a team-

If we are going to accomplish anything great, it’s going to be with and through the help of other people. We can not do success alone. You can be sweet for a while, but you can truly change the world with a superhero team. Find like minded people in places where they would be. Go to where people grow and lift each other up.

Have an anchor

An anchor is something you can hold on to in the face of hard times. Your anchor will set you free because you have a firm place to stand. Those with a why can endure almost any how. When you set goals, you will probably be excited in the beginning, but challenges will enviably come up, and our anchor will help us keep going.

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