Internal Martial Arts- Qigong, Meditation, Bates Method, and Inner Work

What Is Internal Martial Arts?

Internal martial arts is the ability to develop mastery within. There are a variety of practices in order to do this. There are many ways to cultivate mastery, and become the greatest versions of ourselves. The path to self mastery is within. This is very important because at the end of the day, there’s not much more important than the legacy that you leave. These practices will help you forage the character necessary to create real change.


Qigong is an ancient practice that was developed in ancient China over 5000 years ago. The word qigong translates to energy work. It differs form tai chi because qigong is an umbrella term that tai chi fits under as a martial arts form of qigong. Qigong tends to use simpler movements, while tai chi is more complex. Both have tremendous value, it really depends on your goals. There are actually 1000s of research papers that were done on qigong showing its benefits.


Think of meditation as brain training. Being able to stay focused throughout the day in a world of distractions is invaluable. Meditation can reduce cortisol, which is your bodies main stress hormone. There are many different forms of mediation, but the most common type is mindfulness. Simply sit quietly where you won’t be disturbed, and observe your thoughts. Do not judge them, just notice them. Being aware of your thought can help you change them, and even still the mind. The more relaxed we are, the more energy we will have for healing the body. This is an internal martial art that really helps develop intuition.

The Bates Method

The Bates method is a system that has been around for a century to naturally improve our eyesight, and restore vision. It was founded by Dr. William Bates, who was an ophthalmologist. This system is a comprehensive approach to improve your both inner and outer vision. I’m putting this hear because this process includes that you really have to do the inner work to heal. You really have to overcome yourself. When you do this, you will be renewed on the other side.

Inner Work

This is referring to certain practices take you to a space of freedom within yourself. We often work on the external things, such as business goals and all of the worldly things, but neglect the inner world, which is responsible for the results we get anyways. The inner world is the reason why some people achieve all of their goals, but are still unhappy. This is because they are not addressing what needs to be addressed, and are living life from the outside in, rather than the inside out.

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