Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy For Stem Cells, Immunity, and Injuries

History of Hyperbaric Therapy

This therapy began in 1662 by Dr. Henshaw, and called it a Domicilium. He believed that people with certain conditions could benefit from increased oxygen and air pressure. In 1834, a French physician built a similar chamber for respiratory infections. He also observed that increased circulation from the oxygen resulted in increased well being. In 1885, Theodore Williams, president of the medical society of London, published his data on Hyperbaric oxygen in the BMJ, and thought it was a miraculous therapy. It was brought to the United States by Orval Cunningham in 1918 for the Spanish flu.

What is Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)?

HBOT is increased oxygen availability and increased atmospheric pressure that is done inside a chamber. The increased oxygen absorption results in the bodies healing capabilities significantly increased.

Benefits of HBOT

1. Injury healing

Injuries are able to heal faster with HBOT.

2. Concussions

Concussions are better healed through HBOT. This study shows how it can significantly improve psychologic measures. Another study showing how HBOT can significantly improve blood flow to the brain, increase neuroplasticity, regenerate nerve fibers, and overall brain volume.

3. Infections

HBOT is very affective at killing infections because anaerobic bacteria can’t survive in an oxygen enriched environment. It also enhances the immune system to do its job.

4. Nerve regeneration

HBOT has been shown to aid in the regeneration of nerves. It has also been shown to stimulate nerve growth factors, such as VegF and BDNF.

5. Stem cell proliferation

HBOT has been shown to increase stem cell release by over 800%. Another study showing how treatment at 3 ATA will significantly increase stem cell count.

6. Mitochondrial health

HBOT increases the size, shape, and number of mitochondria. Healthy Mitochondria are very important for energy and chronic disease prevention.

Different Types of Chambers

Soft shelled chambers-

These are built from a type of plastic called thermoplastic polyurethane. These inflate to the pressure of 1.3 ATA, or 10 feet below sea level.

Monoplace chambers-

These can be made out of metal, steel, or fiberglass. They go to 2-3 ATA in pressure. These also can only hold one person.

Multiplace chambers-

These are made from steel and go to very low depths. Many people can be treated at once, and all types of conditions can be treated.

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