How To Reprogram Your Mind

What Does It Mean To Reprogram Your Mind?
To Reprogram your mind is to essentially change your paradigm of which you operate to alter the results in your life. Reprogramming your mind requires that you access your current beliefs, values, and standards. Become aware of why you believe these things and even where these beliefs came from. Your may have picked them up from childhood, or perhaps an authority figure along the way. Often times, we are unconscious of what we believe and the effects they could be having on our lives. There is a saying that says Be, Do, Have, essentially we must first become, then take the actions, then we will get the results. This may also include what you think and how you feel on a day to day basis. We want to access all areas of life and perhaps areas that we are stuck in to see how were operating.

How To Think Like A Champion

A champion is someone who does not cut corners and does whatever possible to get the competitive edge in life. Champions know who they are, and are ready for anything. Most people ask what they can get away with and still do what they do (drugs, alcohol, television). What’s wrong with this they say, but champions are asking what’s right with something, and are looking for habits to get them to the next level. We are willing to sacrifice who we are for what we could become. Life will qualify us with challenges to become who were designed to be. To sacrifice is to make sacred; whatever your sacrificing for, your making that thing sacred.


If we want to create change, we must become aware of our neuro associations. These are what we link pleasure and pain to. If you have a favorite food, but have a bad experience with it at some point, you may no longer want to have it because you now link it to pain. If you believe that something was painful in the past, present, and future, then there is no way that you will continue to do it. We stay sometimes because we believe that the situation used to be good and exists on hope.


Let’s say your not where you want to be at all when it comes to your health, where do you start. First start with your mind and how you got there in the first place. If you believe that it’s because of your genetics, then that is very disempowering because there’s not reality anything you can do about that. The moment you take 100% responsibility, you understand you are in exact alignment for the results you are now getting. If you want change, you have to change. The thing about this is that it is taking your power back. As long as you believe your results lie outside of you, you will not take the necessary actions to create change.


Wealth is a very important aspect of reality. Wealth goes beyond money, and is really about being abundant in all areas. Abundance is really about having an overflow of the things that you want or need. It’s not about being a gluten, what we have to realize is that the abundance comes from the application of certain principles to create a result. In other words, it comes as a result of the person that you become. Wake up everyday and strive to be the greatest version of yourself. This is the greatest gift you can give to the world.


Relationships make the world go round. This is because we are in relationship with everything. Relationships are the catalyst to growth and change. With out them, we definitely can not go as far. In order to have great relationships, you must first start with the one with yourself. The one with yourself will determine how you relate to everything because your reality is being expressed through you. As you shine your light, you give permission for others to do the same.

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