How To Pickup Girls- Flirt Like A Boss, Masculinity, and Become The One

How To Pickup Girls?

Why is this important? This is because as a man, this is a important tenet to develop. As men, we often fear femininity, this is because were not in touch with our own masculinity. Opposites attract, and it’s much easier when we have a strong constitution within ourselves. We must master ourselves first, then take that out into the real world.

Flirt Like A Boss

1. Talk about what is real

You must talk about your own life in a genuine way. Talk about what you live, and what your passionate about. This will ensure that she feels your excitement. Being real is about being true to you are. Your not trying to impress because you have already cultivate a lot of value within yourself.

2. Be genuine in your approach

Know what you want and why you want it. Make a list, and become that list. Understand that you attract who you are. The more you stay focused on what you want, the more likely you are to get it. When we deter away via hookups, we move away from our purpose. Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Stay free in the face of adversity.

3. Make her laugh

Humor is really about entertaining yourself. When your trying to make her laugh, it may come across as needy. When you express it from within, it’s much easier. Developing a sense of joy within yourself makes it automatic. In order to do this, you must love your life. Have an admiration for who you are, and what your here for.


1. Integrity

Integrity is the ability to keep your word with yourself. The more integrity you have, the more you will be able to serve others because they know they can rely on you. Integrity comes from staying true to you word, and being the change you wish to see in the world. When your alignment with who you really are and your purpose, you have integrity.

2. Become the greatest version of yourself

This speaks to becoming the best man you can possibly be, a man of value. We all inherently have value, but we also must cultivate it within ourselves. We must work on our lives, health, wealth, relationships, and more. When we do this, we have a lot to give, and act as the model for others to do the same.

3. Know your worth

You matter as you are, and we have to know this. Work on your self talk, and trajectory in life. What do you really want, are you being honest? Don’t live a life that was given to you, instead cultivate your purpose and live your own journey. There is nothing honorable by following the conventional path, we must be extraordinary.

Become The One

1. Her Passion For You Can Never Exceed Your Passion For Life

The more passionate you are about your own life, the more passion she will have for you, straight up. Cultivate the life you want to live one step at a time. Become valuable within, the more value you have, the more value you can give.

2. Honor the craft and devotion to excellence

This is about honoring what you do, and being dedicated to your work. It’s important to put your purpose and mission as number one, and relationships secondary. This is because she will be attracted to who you are as a man. If you reverse it, then your value will eventually fade. Be dedicated to excellence in every facet of your life. This will pay great dividends.

3. Honor the struggle

To be a man of value, there is going to be struggle, it doesn’t just happen. This is what life is meant for. if it was easy, everyone would do it. It gets it’s value from the struggle. Some days will be easier than others, but understand that it’s okay. Your meant for greatness, act like it. Carry yourself with honor, and walk tall. Your mission awaits.

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