How To Master Your Chi

What Does It Mean To Master Your Chi?

Mastering your chi is simply about optimizing your energy in all areas of life. It’s about harnessing your life force energy in order to live your best life. If your chi is poor, then you will have a hard time manifesting the life that you want.

How To Master Your Chi-


Nutrition is a very important aspect of mastering your chi. This is because everything in your body is literally going to create new tissues. Every single molecule of food that you eat impacts your genetic expression. Focus on first principles, such as eat real food, organic, locally, seasonally, according to genetics and ancestry.


Qigong is an ancient practice that was developed in ancient China over 5000 years ago. The word qigong translates to energy work. It differs form tai chi because qigong is an umbrella term that tai chi fits under as a martial arts form of qigong. Qigong tends to use simpler movements, while tai chi is more complex. Both have tremendous value, it really depends on your goals. There are actually 1000s of research papers that were done on qigong showing its benefits.


Your mindset is very important, and will dramatically impact your chi. Every thought you think will impact your immune system and your endocrine system. These sciences are called psychoneuroimmunology and psychoneuroendocrinology. Be mindful of what your thinking, feeling, and way of being.


Think of meditation as brain training. Being able to stay focused throughout the day in a world of distractions is invaluable. Meditation can reduce cortisol, which is your bodies main stress hormone. There are many different forms of mediation, but the most common type is mindfulness. Simply sit quietly where you won’t be disturbed, and observe your thoughts. Do not judge them, just notice them. Being aware of your thought can help you change them, and even still the mind. The more relaxed we are, the more energy we will have for healing the body.


This is the most important principle for all relationships. It all starts with your perceived value and what you believe your worth. All relationships begin with who you perceive yourself to be. Make sure that your doing your work on your end of the relationship. These principles are going to apply to all relationships. Who you spend time with really matters, and will dramatically influence your reality.

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