How To Fail Properly- Failure Rate, Speed Of Interpretation, and Moving Past Fear

What Does It Mean To Fail Properly?

Failing properly requires a certain set of skills to leverage failure, and eventually turning it into a win. The goal of this is to leverage failure to propel our lives forward even faster. At the end of the day, failure is education. You don’t really fail if you learn how to make your life better from it.

How To Fail Properly

1. Failure rate

This refers to how fast we can recover. The speed at which we can bounce back and become resilient will determine the level of our success. This in turn will give us more freedom to create our lives. This can be done by recognizing the gift, and applying it quickly.

2. Speed of interpretation

This is about asking empowering questions such as what can I learn from this, or how is this happening for me? The goal of this is to find out what went wrong, and move forward. Also, you want to find out what the event means in our lives. Nothing has meaning except for the meaning that we give it. Reframing it in an empowering light to see the gift.

3. Moving past fear

This is about recognizing that failure is part of the process, and it’s okay. On the other side of fear is success. Give yourself permission to fail. The more you learn from your mistakes, the better you will get. Analyzing the situation to see how you can improve, such as accessing your thought, emotions, and actions up to that point. This will make it easier to leverage failure. Also, it’s great to learn from our own experience, but if we pay attention to other peoples wrong doing, we can accelerate the process. Pay close attention to their results, good or bad, then take the according actions.

4. Breakthroughs

Breakthroughs are when you finally understand the problem, or get an insight that unlocks a new level of evolution for you. A breakthrough can help you look at a problem or situation another way. This in turn will help you make progress. Breakthroughs can come through the silence, and by asking empowering questions.

5. Distinguish between truth and falsehood

It’s important to see things as they are and not worse than they are. A leader also works to see things better than they are, and take the according actions. This will help the transition go faster because your not clouding it with your won negative interpretations. We often make the situation worse by focusing on the negative. In a way, we become obsessed with the problem. It’s more important to be solution oriented because the solution is always present, the question is will we be receptive to it or not?

6. Divine download

This is a result of repeatedly asking empowering questions toward your goal to the point where you develop a keen sense of awareness. Developing your intuition to the point to where you truly no what’s right for you and what isn’t. When we master the art of silence, insights automatically flow. Synchronicities will occur that will seem like miracles. The question is when preparation meets opportunity, will you be ready?

7. Read the situation

This is about knowing what is right and what is wrong based on of your experience. Using your intuition, and adapting to the situation. Knowing what resources you need to bring to the situation is a big part of it. Knowing what to do is important because we tend to fear what we don’t understand. What we focus on tends to expand. Also, have generations interpretations. Meaning when someone does something you don’t like, be willing to give them grace. Ask yourself genuine questions on why they did what they did. It’s usually not personal. This way of thinking will lead to much less stress.

8. Repair

When you make a mistake or fail, it’s important to repair. Repairing leads to a new, better reality. This also helps you prevent failure. Repairing from failure can also help you teach others, which is the ultimate level. When we grow our own capacity, we help expand others learning as well. More growth leads to more service.

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