How To Dream Hard, Stay Free, and Build Momentum

What Does It Mean To Dream Hard?

Everyone has dreams, the question is what is the source? Are you dreaming intentionally? I’m not necessarily talking about dream interpretation, but actually going for what you want in life. We spend time building our bodies and bank accounts, but how often is it that we spend time and really map out the life that we want?

How To Dream Hard

1. Internal Dream Clock

The inner voice that is always there. The one giving you nudges in the right direction. The one you ignore at your own demise. This is the clock that if you listen to wisely, you will make all your dreams a reality. Stay the course. Our inner voice, our intuition, these both play a huge role on determining whether or not were going in the right direction.

2. Inner vision

Having inner vision is akin to knowing what we want and who we are. This type of vision is perhaps the most important. This is because with out a vision, people perish. We all have knowledge, but the question is how many of us actually have real insights. Originated knowledge form within. Life is a cocreation, and God works through us.

3. Find A Way To Win

You must find a way to win in all circumstances. When things don’t look well, don’t look for a way out, look for a way in. Keep your vision and your why in mind. This will fuel the mission and your actions. Never surrender and always win. When you win, in a way we all win, and more glory is presented towards freedom.

Stay Free
Dreaming helps us stay free in various ways. The matrix wants you broke, unhealthy, and unhappy. When we have the ability to dream beyond our current circumstances, we can then create a new life. One without rules or limitations.
Build Momentum
Building momentum everyday is about taking progressive, generative action everyday. Don’t focus on the outcome as much as the process. As long as you are taking action in the right direction everyday, you will reach your goal. Freedom comes from discipline. Yes, you can do what ever you want, but what are your results? If you want to be healthy, wealthy, or have great relationships; we must have the discipline to implement certain practices, habits, and mindset to get the results.

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