How to Develop BDE (Big Dick Energy)

What is BDE?

BDE (big dick energy) is embodying who you are. It’s the way of being that includes a combination of attitude, practices, and energy. Being in control of your masculine energy will allow you to live the life that you choose. Channeling your gifts into your women and the world.

Physical Practices

Semen retention-

This is the ancient Taoist practice of not expelling your seed every chance you get. According to Taoist philosophy and modern science, ejaculating all the time depletes your energy. We know that semen can reabsorb in your body and generate tissue. There is a compound in sperm called spermidine that has been well verified to promote longevity and autophagy.

Building stamina-

This is critically important. According to stats, 75% of men have premature ejaculation. The definition of PE is ejaculating in 1-3 minutes. We call this a 2 pump chump. A better definition is ejaculating anytime before you want to. Being able to control your arousal and response is key. Directing the breath and circulating it throughout the body is necessary. You can not just be concerned with busting a nut, you have to focus on serving your partner.

Be the mountain-

This refers to being the masculine energy that can take whatever life and your women throughs at you. Controlling your response to any situation in life is always in our control. Between stimulus and response, there is a choice, in that space lies our freedom. While your fucking her, you need to be able to handle any emotions and be a safe space. She needs to be able to trust that you can handle it for her to let go. If she cries, fuck her harder.

Eat well and Train hard-

Your body is literally created from the food that you eat, and you get to choose. Eating organic whole foods is key. We don’t want to pump our bodies full of toxins because many of them are xenoestrogens. That basically means it converts our testosterone into estrogen. Training hard and lifting weights will help boost testosterone. Muscle is a reservoir of anti-aging hormones that keep you youthful. Also, exercise is a great way to develop body awareness.

Learn to protect

Learning self defense and how to protect others matters. Protecting your family and people in general is a good idea. Learning martial arts and how to shoot is a good start. The most strength and intelligence actually comes from not needing to use conflict in the first place. Peace first, and conflict is a last resort. This can also be a great form of personal development. Become a sheepdog and protecter of your people. Lastly, being a protecter is not just about physical, but also peoples minds and emotions.

Develop a legendary supercock-

A supercock has the ability to orgasm without ejaculation, conscious control over ejaculation, feels rejuvenated after sex, give its women a plethora of orgasms (including G- spot, A-spot, and cervical), own your masculinity and who you are, use your sexual energy as creative power, and is decerning on what he puts his cock into. The cock is referred to as the lingam in sanskrit, meaning wand of light. Using your cock to heal your women and penetrate the world with your vision and purpose. All of these are skills that can be developed, just like anything else. To learn how to do this, I recommend learning from Kim Anami.

Stop watching porn

Porn makes men weak. As soon as you turn it on, your reward centers in your brain turn on. The reward system includes the ventral striatum and orbitofrontal cortex areas of the brain. Dopamine is secreted through these centers. Dopamine is responsible for seeking, motivation, and pleasure. This is also the reason why people get addicted. These areas light up in any pleasure inducing activity, including music, candy, and drugs. These areas of your brain increasingly get hyper stimulated in response to viewing porn. Your brain creates deeper circuits for the pleasure from viewing this. These are the same reward pathways that become desensitized with more exposure. This means you need increasingly more exposure or variety to get the same pleasure hit. The part of the brain called the Amygdala, which is responsible for emotions and survival, is also drastically effected. What happens is when the amygdala is hyperactive, it seeks rewards. This means their reward pathways have a greater response to sexual stimulus.

Mental Practices

Stand for freedom

Stand for freedom means to stand for whats real. You will not take orders from tyrants. Everything is birthed from freedom. The reality is that it can not be taken, they never gave it to us in the first place. Freedom is inherent in us, sure you can shut things down, but you can never take the true essence of freedom. We don’t play by the rules, we live by principle. Discipline equals freedom. Yes you can do whatever you want, but what are your results? If you want to be healthy, wealthy, or have great relationships; we must have the discipline to implement certain practices, habits, and mindset to get the results.

No mercy-

Have no mercy when it comes to your dreams and goals. Be relentless in your pursuit. Have no mercy on the path to freedom. Never surrender, and always win. This has to be put in context. This has to be done with principles. I am more so talking about going after a goal in your heart that you know is yours, keep going.

100 percent responsibility-

Taking 100% responsibility for your life is key. This does not mean that everything is your fault, but you get to decide what happens next. This means healing from past trauma, and removing any blocks you may have on your path to greatness. When we blame people or circumstances, we give our power away to change. Freedom is in your hands, take it my friend.

Personal Development-

Personal development works to develop who you are as a person. Updating old beliefs and ways of being that no longer serve you. Being the greatest version of yourself means focusing on all areas and how you can up level in them. You know who you are, and there are certain principles that you live by. Living in accordance with your own value system is key. Eric Thomas is the number 1 motivational speaker in the world, I would go to him for assistance.

Know fear

Notice that I did not say no fear, but know fear. This is because courage can’t exist in the absence of fear. It is only through circumstances that produce fear that we can demonstrate courage. For this we must know fear and understand it. We must understand our own tendencies and dispositions to fear so we can create a plan. Every thought that we think releases correlating chemistry in our bodies. Whether its thoughts of love, or thoughts of fear. For example, feelings of love or happiness will release hormones such as oxytocin and serotonin; and thoughts of fear will produce epinephrine and cortisol. Fear in of itself is not bad, it’s actually quite an important tool. It’s more about how we manage the fear. How do we use fear as an asset and to better associate with it? Under fear or stress, the blood vessels of our prefrontal cortex (responsible for cognition) get shut, and the blood goes to the amygdala which is the part of the brain responsible for fight or flight. When this happens you become less intelligent and reactive. The so called powers that be know this very well and use it as a control tactic to pay attention, or do what they say. We must develop self awareness and situational awareness in order to critically think about the situation. We tend to fear what we don’t understand. When you are present, you are much more able to consciously determine whether the fear is real or not.

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