How To Build A Beautiful Relationship

What Is A Beautiful Relationship?

A beautiful relationship consists as each individual bringing their 100%, thus the relationship created another entity, so it’s one plus one equals three. A beautiful relationship also consists of each person dedicated to being the greatest version of themselves. This is because growth and service are extremely important values, and will drive each individual to not just want the best for their partners, but act like it day in and day out.

All Relationships Start With You

This is because it is though the foraging of ones character that we are better able to experience the world. Becoming whole and complete as you are, so you are not needing anything from the other person so the relationship can act as a massive amplifier to your life. Working on yourself, overcoming past traumas, old patterns, and developing skill in all assets that matter will make you a high value individual. You have inherent worth as you are, but practicing will allow you to express your real value.

Aligned Values

Having aligned values are probably the most important foundation for a relationship to be built from. This is because our values can pull us apart, or bring us together. If one values growth and contribution, and the other doesn’t it’s guaranteed to to work in the long term. Not all values have to be 100% aligned, but the really important ones do. Getting together based on attraction is cute, but for long term legacy, it’s going to have to go much deeper than that.

Conscious Communication

This is about communicating in a loving way, working through problems, and hearing the other person. We must practice listening and being in silence. This is because most of the time people just need to be loved, seen and heard. Having the strength to be calm under chaos. There are a lot of alternative practices that should be talked about when it comes to this. Cold showers, saunas, exercise, fasting, and sunlight will help you have a resilient nervous system. Also, bringing in proper nutrients, being rested, and moving. You will be surprised how easy it is to communicate when you actually feel well.


Tantra is the ancient form of sexual practice that was developed in ancient India for building consciousness and connection in a deep way. To sum it up as much as possible, it’s being fully present with your partner with an intent to grow and connect with certain practices.Taoism and Tantra are both ancient schools of sexual philosophy that originated over 5000 years ago. They are both similar because they both focus on expanding consciousness, and empowerment. Taoism is a system that originated in ancient China, and it’s a scientific system that used sexual energy for rejuvenation and healing. Conscious direction of sexual energy is a big tenet. Tantra originated in ancient India and is more ritual based.


Parenting is another thing where it’s extremely important to go back to the principal that all relationships start with you. This is because having kids will bring up everything that we have not processed and challenge us in many ways. If we are not a conscious individual, we will not be a conscious parent. It’s really about being a guide to help our kids develop and become the greatest versions of themselves. It is through the developing of our kids that we will shape the world.


Sexual polarity comes down to the concept of yin and yang. Masculine and feminine energies, and like opposites attract. Polarity is critical because it create the spark in a relationship. Polarity is really about fully embodying who you are as a man or woman. If you are fully in your purpose, then you will much more likely attract an aligned partner.

How to increase polarity for men (anything that’s going to bring you into your masculine)-

  1. Weight lifting
  2. Purpose
  3. Decisions
  4. Sports
  5. Hunting


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