How To Become A Philosopher

What Is A Philosopher?

A philosopher is someone who simply learns from their experiences. They go through life developing their own philosophy based on observing and learning from their actions. very simple, right? This is what we always have done, the question is are you doing consciously or unconsciously? Books, podcasts, and events are great tools, but wise people existed before they did.

How To Become  A Philosopher?

While the ability to philosophize is in everyone, there are strategies in order to do it. You first must become curious and ask questions. This is the first step because without curiosity, nothing can change. The ability to weigh what we don’t know with the possibility of what we don’t know. This requires an open mind, attention to detail, and the willingness to be wrong. This requires you go within, and search for the truth.

Speed Of Transformation

This refers to the speed at which you make changes regarding growth. Speed is a very important principle of success. It’s about learning something and applying it quickly. We do not just want to walk around as human fling cabinets. Knowledge is not power, knowledge applied is power and wisdom. The number one form of knowing is experience.

Stoic Philosophy

These are ancient Greek Philosophers with wide ranging view points. It originated from a philosopher named Zeno of Cypress, who lost everything after a shipwreck. He started reading about Socrates, and studied with some of the most noted Philosophers in the city. Some of the main philosophers of Stoicism that came after Zeno were Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus. They cultivated inner peace by accepting things that they can’t change, and putting their energy towards their actions.

Neuro Associations

These are the connections we make in our brain in relation to different things. It’s essentially applying something that we don’t know to something that we do know. This is a great form of learning because it works with the neural net and our perception. In order to do this, we can ask our selves specific questions such as what can I learn from this, or what can I apply this to what I already know. Learning doesn’t just happen, we must be an active participant.

Our Perception Is Our Reality

How we perceive our reality is our reality. When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change. Our perception can be empowering or disempowering. Nothing has meaning except for the meaning we give it. Perception can be a combination of thoughts, feelings, actions, self talk, or attitudes toward a specific thing. If we evaluate our perception in all things, and change it to an empowering one that is in alignment with our goals, we will change our reality.

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