How to Become a Health Coach and Live the Life of Your Dreams

Overcome Your Story

Most of us in the industry got in to this do to our own health struggles, or that of a family member. Although you don’t need to be completely well in order to help someone; overcoming your own health struggles will give you tremendous power and authority to help others do the same. When you overcome your story, you will learn so much in the process, and the most important form if knowledge is through experience, not what you get in a book, podcast, or conference.

What certification Should I Get?

First, I need to address what you should not get. Nutritionists and dietitians typically go to a university to get education. They do this with good intensions, but they don’t realize that the information they get is wildly inaccurate. The nutrition information is funded by processed food companies like General Mills, I can’t believe it’s not Butter, and Coke. When processed food companies fund the education, they have control over the education. The food pyramid itself is funded by General Mill. This is why grains are on the bottom, do you think they’re going to tell you not to eat cereal? This is why you have to go to alternative sources to get certified. There are many good certifications out there, but there are some things to look for. First you want to make sure they practice ancestral health. This insures that the information you get is accurate. You also want to make sure that they teach how to integrate this in to business. If you don’t know how to start a business, then it doesn’t really matter how much you know because you won’t be able to help people. Make sure they teach you how to coach as well. Knowing how to incorporate your knowledge on wellness in to actually serving is another skill set. Also, health is not just one thing, so if all you learn about is physical nutrition, then your only getting one piece. Health is holistic, which means that your incorporating the whole being. Focusing on the mental and spiritual is also needed. The only certification that I know that fits these criteria is the institute of Transformational Nutrition. They teach ancestral health, coaching, business, mindset, and spiritual. They also have on going support from the support team if you need a call. The institute is also nationally accredited. This means that if the institute goes away for some reason, you still have your certification. Also, it’s accredited in all states. I don’t know if any other certification can say this.

What is health coaching?

Health coaching is about personalized solutions, and support for health concerns. A coach listens, ask questions, finds out where potential blocks may be, supports them in finding answers, and holds clients accountable to reach their goals. Coaching is not about a one size fits all approach because everyone is unique.

What coaching is not-

  1. Coaching is not consulting, coaches don’t have all the answers. It’s about listening, and questioning to guide clients to their own answers. You are the number one expert on you.
  2. Coaches are not medical professionals. We don’t give medical advice, treat, cure, or diagnose.
  3. We are not cheer leaders. Of course, encouragement is present, but this is about providing, a plan, strategy, or model to create a solution.


Coaching can come in many different flavors. You can coach one on one, group coaching, or parter coaching. You can also branch out and write a book, start a blog, or create a podcast. The great thing is you get to choose. What you want your business to look like is up to you. Do what is in alignment with your idea of success.

Coaching Skills

1. Listen

This is the most important skill. Listening to your client enables the client to fell safe and heard. Also, you actually will be able to respond better if your not always thinking about a response before you respond.

2. Empathy

Knowing your client is a human and treating them that way is important. Knowing that not all clients are going to respond to the same protocol, and really listening to them as a guide. There may be many emotions that come up for the client, and it’s important to be present.

3. Being the model

Practicing what you preach is the foundation of a great coach. You must do the work to transform your own health, and generally only recommend what you’ve actually tried. When you are the model, you have much more credibility, and people will listen much more intentionally.

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