How To Be A Superstar- Awareness, Step Into Your Vision, and Become The One

What Is A Superstar?

A superstar is someone who actively works to be the greatest versions of themselves everyday. Then, they turn around and bless the world with their gifts. This is important because we all have gifts, we just have to activate them. Developing ourselves to a degree that we shine to inspire others to do the same. Create a better world, one without rules or limitations.

How To Be A Superstar

1. Awareness

It all starts with awareness. A quest to be the greatest version of oneself. Knowing who you are and your values is key. Stick to the plan, and believe in yourself, even when things get tough. Awareness to create real change in the world. Know your purpose and your why.

2. Know your north star

This is akin to knowing your purpose and why your here. Do some soul searching, and really ask yourself meaningful questions. Why am I on this planet? What am I here for. Then you must be active in your approach. Discovery comes through action. Work everyday, and get better at what you do.

3. Step into your vision

Live in the frequency of your vision. Live as if your dreams were already a reality. What would you be doing, what would you not be doing? Who you are to be your now becoming. Take inventory of your actions and adjust accordingly. I need you to walk in your vision. Everything you want, see it, hear it, believe it. Then walk into it now, take the first step. That vision is already a reality, all we have to do is start the process. Do everything in your power to take the right action.

4. All star

This is the concept of mastering everything, starting with yourself. It’s not just about being great in one area, but in all areas. This way, we truely are reaching our full potential. Practice everything and get better. Know your worth, and stand for what really matters. Don’t negotiate with your goals.

5. No retreat, no surrender

If you have a goal that you know in your heart is your, you must go for it. There will always be challenges that come up, but we must persevere. Obstacles are just opportunities to find out what to do differently. Failure is feedback, don’t change the goal, adjust the approach. The only time to change your goal is if it’s no longer in alignment with you, or it’s common sense to do so. In this case it is not quitting, it’s just making an intelligent decision that will set you up for future success.

6. Understand that the world needs you

The world needs you to be great, and other people are counting on you. One persons obedience is connected to so many other peoples destiny. Do whatever you can to help, and act with abundance. Lift others up, and win. When you do this, you unconscioisly give others permission do the same. Stay free my friend.

7. Become the one

Becoming the one is about becoming all that your designed to be. You can be anything, but you can’t be everything. Understand that you were called for a specific purpose, and the world needs it. Wake up everyday and work toward it. Stay free, and never give up. Over come your story, Love, live, and laugh. Have fun along the way, and be of service as much as you can.

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