How To Be A Professional Problem Solver

What Is A Professional Problem Solver?

A professional problem solver is able to get of their heads and emotions to fix the issue at hand. They believe they are the one who can get it done. This is because they have the knowledge, experience, and self knowledge to accomplish things. You do not necessarily have to know how to solve the current problem, what’s important is the belief and confidence that you can figure it out.

How To Be A Professional Problem Solver

The Power of Self Awareness

Increasing your self awareness will improve your situational awareness. Also, being able to critical think will improve awareness. An example would be knowing whether or not it’s a real fear, or made up. Listening to your inner guidance will help you know how to respond.

Sensory Acuity

Sensory acuity is the ability to perceive information accurately from your senses. This is important because we don’t want to make an emotional decision. Don’t make a long term decision on a temporary emotion. This can help you make better decisions because with sensory acuity, you will have heightened focus and ability to make decisions.

Emotional Intelligence

This is the ability to navigate ones emotions in an intelligent manner. The ability to know oneself, and ones tendencies. Being able to self regulate through a variety of tools is invaluable because it will lead to a much more joyful and productive life. The thing with all the regulation tools, is that over time you have integrated them to such a degree that you become the tool. Emotional intelligence helps us move toward or away from things.


Break things down into smaller parts to avoid overwhelm. When you do this, clarity will be present. Chunking things, and focusing on individual parts can make things happen faster by connecting information that you would of not had.

Draw from past expierences

Doing this will engage intuition, or advanced problem recognition. When you do this, you may recognize old problems, or pieces of a problem that you have solved before. This will make things happen faster and avoid unnecessary repetition.

Be a life long learner

Constantly learning and adding to your knowledge base will strengthen the mind. Books, podcasts, seminars, and mentors are all great tools. The most effective way of learning is your own experience. The king must always be adding to his utility belt and upgrading. This is because the more we grow, the better equipped we will be to serve.

Master the are of shutting the fuck up

Learning to listen and be still is key. When we become still, we can become wise because it is through the silence that we can be open and receptive to truth. Silence opens up new channels and pathways in our brain than if were always talking. Given our brains time to process and think activated the default mode network (DMN) in our brain, which is designed for problem solving. We are inundated with a plethora of information everyday. We have a ton of knowledge, but are starving for wisdom. Rarely do we stop, think, and process what we actually learned. There is a lack of deep thought and devotion to excellence. Be a light, not a shadow. Processing information and applying what we know leads to wisdom.

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