How To Be A Professional Freedom Fighter- Character, Habits, and Tactics

What is a Professional Freedom Fighter?

This is someone who stands for freedom at all costs. Someone who is willing to sacrifice who they are for what they could become. There are certain character traits, habits, and tactics that go into this way of being. For those who want to bring a greater future into the world.


Strength and honor-

This refers to your word being your bond. If you say your going to do something, it’s already done. You may not accomplish all your goals, but you always give everything you have.

Abundance is a virtue-

Are you living in scarcity, or abundance, faith, or fear? This decision will determine the quality of our lives. When we act out of scarcity or lack, we will never have enough. On the other hand, living in abundance will allow you to be of greater service to yourself and those around you. The rising tide raises all ships; when you get better, everyone gets better. The more you act in abundance, the more will come to you.

Become dangerous-

Let me explain what I mean. Being dangerous is not about harming other people, but harnessing your inner power to be effective and create change in the world. We want to be a danger to the tyrants, who want to control us. This is because all we have to do is live in truth. The greatest revenge is massive success. The matrix want’s you broke, unhealthy, and unhappy. The only way out is to win from within. You can start one day, or you can make it day one. The choice is yours my friend.

Freedom wins-

They never can be as strong or as fast as us because they live in a reality that operates based on rules. Stand for freedom means to stand for whats real. You will not take orders from tyrants. Everything is birthed from freedom. The reality is that it can not be taken, they never gave it to us in the first place. Freedom is inherent in us, sure you can shut things down, but you can never take the true essence of freedom. We don’t play by the rules, we live by principle. Discipline equals freedom. Yes you can do whatever you want, but what are your results? If you want to be healthy, wealthy, or have great relationships; we must have the discipline to implement certain practices, habits, and mindset to get the results. They think they control us, but they misunderstand, freedom can’t be contained.



You must have an awareness and understanding of what the tyrants want. Understanding their tactics and ways of being. You can spot them by them making a claim of fear, and wanting you to operate out of fear; distracting you from what’s real. When your’re distracted from what’s real, you can be controlled to act irrationally, against your best interest, as well as those around you. Of course, they will say it’s for the good of all, but they really mean the good of them. They essentially like to acuse people of they are actually doing.

Give them no mercy-

Have no mercy when it comes to your dreams and goals. Be relentless in your pursuit. Have no mercy on the path to freedom. Never surrender, and always win. This has to be put in context. This has to be done with principles. I am more so talking about going after a goal in your heart that you know is yours, keep going. They don’t take days off, neither can we.

Energy is currency-

Every thought, feeling, and action counts. This is the energy that we use to create our reality. having a practice of meditation or mindfulness to be able to harness these energies is critical. Too many of us are wandering aimlessly hoping things will get better. The reality is nothing will change unless we change. Our inner world creates our outer world.


These are ancient Greek Philosophers with wide ranging view points. It originated from a philosopher named Zeno of Cypress, who lost everything after a shipwreck. He started reading about Socrates, and studied with some of the most noted Philosophers in the city. Some of the main philosophers of Stoicism that came after Zeno were Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus. They cultivated inner peace by accepting things that they can’t change, and putting their energy towards their actions. This is the type of mindset that will allow us to stay calm and effective in the midst of adversity. When we can stay centered, we can’t fall for the nonsense.

Pressure is a privilege-

We can let pressure cripple us, or we can leverage it to our advantage. If we feel pressure that is a good thing because that means were growing. Pressure truly makes a diamond. We can leverage it by becoming more resilient, and directing it towards our goals.


Know thyself-

When you do the work to really know yourself, what you really value, believe, and your standards. Knowing your story, and how you can use it serve others. Doing your best to discover truth, this is when we can’t be controlled because we are centered. You will be able to see through the non sense, and be able to be effective in a storm.


Using technology that can’t be tracked, or censored. Whether we know it or not, we are constantly being tracked and monitored. Giving them data that we don’t really understand what their doing with. They call themselves data brokers, you can draw a parallel with stock brokers. They gather your data, then sell it to third party entities. Using alternative medias like Rumble and Zion. Getting into things like Bitcoin is a good idea because it’s a decentralized form of currency. Also, alternatives to google, such as Brave and Protonmail.

No retreat, no surrender-

If you have a goal that you know in your heart is your, you must go for it. There will always be challenges that come up, but we must persevere. Obstacles are just opportunities to find out what to do differently. Failure is feedback, don’t change the goal, adjust the approach. The only time to change your goal is if it’s no longer in alignment with you, or it’s common sense to do so. In this case it is not quitting, it’s just making an intelligent decision that will set you up for future success.

Engage in mental combat-

Stand guard of the door of your mind, for what you let in will forage your reality. Become aware what your watching and listening to, it’s like food for the mind. Most of us are eating the equivalent of McDonald’s for our minds, and we wonder why we are not where we want to be.

Become unfazed-

This refers to being still in the heat of battle. When bullets are flying, are you able to stay calm? This takes practice, training the mind through hormetic stressors and stress relieving practices. When you live in faith, you know it will all work out, and there is no need to fear. When fear comes up, you know how to handle it. You must Know fear. Notice that I did not say no fear, but know fear. This is because courage can’t exist in the absence of fear. It is only through circumstances that produce fear that we can demonstrate courage. For this we must know fear and understand it. We must understand our own tendencies and dispositions to fear so we can create a plan. Fear in of itself is not bad, it’s actually quite an important tool. It’s more about how we manage the fear. How do we use fear as an asset and to better associate with it? Under fear or stress, the blood vessels of our prefrontal cortex (responsible for cognition) get shut, and the blood goes to the amygdala which is the part of the brain responsible for fight or flight. When this happens you become less intelligent and reactive. The so called powers that be know this very well and use it as a control tactic to pay attention, or do what they say. We must develop self awareness and situational awareness in order to critically think about the situation. We tend to fear what we don’t understand. When you are present, you are much more able to consciously determine whether the fear is real or not.

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