How To Be A Professional Decision Maker

What Is A Good Decision Maker?

The word decision is derived from latin literally meaning to cut off. When you make a real decision, your cutting off the possibility of anything else happening. Not hoping, not wishing, but a real decision. Good decisions are made quickly and changed slowly.

Sensory Acuity

Sensory acuity is the ability to perceive information accurately from your senses. This is important because we don’t want to make an emotional decision. Don’t make a long term decision on a temporary emotion. This can help you make better decisions because with sensory acuity, you will have heightened focus and ability to make decisions.

The Six Thinking Hats

This is a technique that I learned from accelerated learning expert, Jim Kwik. It’s about making a decisions from six different types of thinking, instead of just one or two, like most of us tend to do.

1. White hat

This is about analyzing all the facts about a given situation.

2. Red hat

This is about emotions and how you feel about a situation.

3. Black hat

This is about being a critic and what could possible go wrong.

4. Yellow hat

This is about optimism and everything that could go right.

5. Green hat

This is about possibility and thinking outside the box.

6. Blue hat

This is like the sky overseeing all the previous ways of thinking to make the decision.

Things That Inhibit Decision Making-

1. Multitasking

Multitasking is actually an impossibility. Our brain can only focus on one thing at a time, so what were really doing is task switching.

2. Digital outsourcing

When we outsource everything to our devices, our brain power diminishes. If we don’t use it, we lose it. Not to say we can’t use technology, but completely forgoing our own brain is not a good idea.

3. To much knowledge, but not enough wisdom

There is information everywhere today, but the question is what are we actually applying? It’s not just about seeing, or hearing something, but actually putting it into practice. There is a difference between knowing something, and experiencing it.

4. Distraction

All of the notifications, social media, entertainment; it’s all training our brain to be distracted. We are always in training, the question is what are we focused on? What we are focused on will determine the direction that we will go.

Many of us make so many unnecessary decisions through out the day that don’t move our lives forward. This is wasting energy that you could be using for higher quality things. It’s a good idea to automat things that are not important, so you already know what is going to be done. Also, delegating tasks that are unimportant to focus on the things that actually matter to you.


This is essentially advanced pattern recognition. Recognizing patterns overtime based off of past decisions and experiences. This can also be described as an inner knowing. You can recognize this because it will come from love and growth, as opposed to fear. This a skill that can be learned through various practices. If it feels light, it feels right.

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