How To Be A Patriot- Freedom Fighting Savage, Become Unfazed, and Fight To The Last Man

What Is A Patriot?

A patriot is some one who is willing to stand for the righteous principles of the country. Willing to uphold the constitution. The reality is that we have to uphold our won constitution with ourselves as well. Our principles, values and standards. We have to have a high quality character to be a good patriot.

Freedom Fighting Savage

1. Strength and honor

This refers to your word being your bond. If you say your going to do something, it’s already done. You may not accomplish all your goals, but you always give everything you have. Integrity is key, if you don’t have it, what do you really have? Be who you say you are, and live on purpose.

2. Freedom wins

They never can be as strong or as fast as us because they live in a reality that operates based on rules. Stand for freedom means to stand for whats real. You will not take orders from tyrants. Everything is birthed from freedom. The reality is that it can not be taken, they never gave it to us in the first place. Freedom is inherent in us, sure you can shut things down, but you can never take the true essence of freedom. We don’t play by the rules, we live by principle. Discipline equals freedom. Yes you can do whatever you want, but what are your results? If you want to be healthy, wealthy, or have great relationships; we must have the discipline to implement certain practices, habits, and mindset to get the results. They think they control us, but they misunderstand, freedom can’t be contained.

3. Defend what is real
This speaks to defending what we know to be real. Defending all that is real and all that is sacred. Preserving truth for generations to come. Sticking to your principles. Especially when things get hard. You will not take orders from tyrants, but will uphold the truth. This is about honor, and defending your home land.
Become Unfazed
1. Always unfazed

This refers to being still in the heat of battle. When bullets are flying, are you able to stay calm? This takes practice, training the mind through hormetic stressors and stress relieving practices. When you live in faith, you know it will all work out, and there is no need to fear. When fear comes up, you know how to handle it. You must Know fear. Notice that I did not say no fear, but know fear. This is because courage can’t exist in the absence of fear. It is only through circumstances that produce fear that we can demonstrate courage. For this we must know fear and understand it. We must understand our own tendencies and dispositions to fear so we can create a plan. Fear in of itself is not bad, it’s actually quite an important tool. It’s more about how we manage the fear. How do we use fear as an asset and to better associate with it? Under fear or stress, the blood vessels of our prefrontal cortex (responsible for cognition) get shut, and the blood goes to the amygdala which is the part of the brain responsible for fight or flight. When this happens you become less intelligent and reactive. The so called powers that be know this very well and use it as a control tactic to pay attention, or do what they say. We must develop self awareness and situational awareness in order to critically think about the situation. We tend to fear what we don’t understand. When you are present, you are much more able to consciously determine whether the fear is real or not.

2. Master the art of shutting the fuck up

Learning to listen and be still is key. When we become still, we can become wise because it is through the silence that we can be open and receptive to truth. Silence opens up new channels and pathways in our brain than if were always talking. Given our brains time to process and think activated the default mode network (DMN) in our brain, which is designed for problem solving. We are inundated with a plethora of information everyday. We have a ton of knowledge, but are starving for wisdom. Rarely do we stop, think, and process what we actually learned. There is a lack of deep thought and devotion to excellence. Be a light, not a shadow. Processing information and applying what we know leads to wisdom.

3. Stoic and Spartan
This refers to being a becon of strength and honor. Being a change agent comes with a lot of freedom, as well as a lot of struggles. It is the way of the Spartan, the way of freedom. Stoic philosophy was brought to Sparta, and used to refine their mindsets and training tactics. It is for the freedom fighting savages with no mercy. The king must stay upright and defiant.
Fight To The Last Man
1. To The Death
I was taught never to retreat, never to surrender, and to fight to the last man. I don’t know how, but I always find a way to win. This is because I walk by faith and not by sight. I let love guide me snd not fear. All things are possible through the help of God.
2. America

A Symbol Of Freedom Our founding fathers only had one thing in mind- Freedom. The worlds only hope for justice and reason. It’s up to us on how we live our lives daily if were going to preserve it or not. The clowns don’t want this, good thing we got that dog.

3. Become the one
We must become the one in our own lives. Be willing to break generational patterns, and be a model for what is possible. For this to happen, we must upgrade our character everyday. Overcome our shprt comings, and become the greatest versions of ourselves.

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