Environmental Toxins

Today we are absolutely flooded with environmental toxins. Every year 10’000s of thousands of new toxins enter our world. I’m going to go over some of the big ones.


In the United States, we are very fortunate to have the systems we do have in place for cleaning our water. In some countries around the world, people are forced to gather their own water from what looks like a mud puddle. People are drinking water that looks like coffee, and is killing them. That being said, the municipal water supply here is horrendous. Water is found to be contaminated from chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, and sometimes it’s recycled toilet water. People say that’s okay because it’s in small amounts. The problem is that some of these things are not okay in any amount. Also, if we are drinking the proper amount of water, it’s no longer a small amount. What is the actual solution? Depending on how you get your water will determine how you need to filter it, or if at all. If you get water from a spring, or a well, you probably don’t need a heavy duty filter. These sources are typically very clean, and just may need to filter out a few things. If you drink from the municipal water supply like most people, I definitely recommend a reverse osmosis filter. These are very powerful filters that get everything out of the water down to .03 microns. With this, you are left with pure water with nothing in it. There is an issue with this though. Pure water doesn’t exist anywhere in nature. No matter where you look, water always has minerals dissolved into it. Water is a universal solvent, so it is naturally looking to absorb anything, including the minerals in your body. This is leaving your body with a mineral deficit. The cells in your body are not adequately going to get hydrated because minerals are required for proper cell hydration. The solution for this is to add minerals back in the water. Use a high quality sea salt, like Celtic, Redmonds Real salt, or black Hawaiian salt. There are also high quality mineral blends that you can use.


The quality of air is usually 10x more toxic indoors than outdoors. This is because of various indoor chemicals like cleaning products, personal care items, and off gassing from furniture. Mold, and viruses can also be an issue. Outdoor air is generally much cleaner because if the open space. Some of the best ways to clean the air is to have plants in the house. They’re  some specific plants that are great for this. One is called the snake plant. This plant has been studied to release it’s phytochemicals at night, as opposed to during the day. In addition to keeping the window open to allow for air flow, you can get a HEPA air filter. This is not like a standard whole house filter that generally doesn’t do much. A HEPA air filter is very effective at filtering the air, down to about .07 microns.

Personal care-

There are a ton of chemicals in our personal care products. Most people have no idea that this even matters. They have definitely been proven to disrupt our endocrine system, or our more hormonal system. Some common offenders are shampoo, lotion, and soap. This does not mean not to use these things, it just means to use higher quality products. Many companies are realizing this, and stepping up to create safe products. A great place to find these, as well as whole food, and cleaning products is thrivemarket.com.


In addition to the pesticides, things I have covered before, there are many preservatives found in food. Artificial flavors, dyes, and more. The FDA has something called GRAS, or generally recognized as safe. This means that the companies themselves are able to make their own chemicals, and test them themselves. After the companies test them, they tell the FDA that it’s safe. There is a direct conflict of interest here because companies generally care more about their bottom line than your health. This means that the solution is to eat real food. Nature doesn’t make anything with chemicals. Cooking real food yourself is a great way to know what’s in your food.


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