Emotional Endurance, Testicular Fortitude, and Spirit Of Freedom

Testicular Fortitude

This refers to the ability to have integrity under pressure. Under pressure, will you bend or break? Be like water, and stay true to your principles.

Emotional Endurance

The ability to stay the course in the long term is key. Staying on point with your goals over the long term while maintaining enthusiasm and persistence. Learning to self regulate through intrinsic tools like breath work and focus will help stay with long term goals. The reason for this is you will come up against challenges along the way, but your ability to handle them will determine whether or not you keep going.

Spirit Of Freedom

God did not give you the spirit of fear, but of freedom. We are winners, stop talking and acting like a loser. Believe that you are the one. Your are a creation of the most high, and you deserve everything that you are and meant to be. You are worthy and enough.

Winners Mindset

The winners mindset is the mentality that you simply expect to win. Go into a challenge or a goal expecting to win. When you do this, your much more likely going to attract the outcome that you want than if you were operating out of a spirit of fear. You know you are the one, and you win before the fight even begins.


Imagine the life that you really want and know that it is already yours. You just have to take the necessary steps in order to get there. This requires knowing and believing it’s possible first. After that, create a devised plan to get there.


The state of flow is a beautiful thing, sometimes it’s with you, and sometimes it’s not, but there are certain key strategies you can take on to keep the momentum. With momentum on your side, you will make your dreams a reality. The flow rides off of victory, victory is fuel to keep going. Progress equals growth, and growth equals happiness.


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