EMF Health Effects and Solutions

EMFs (Electromagnetic Frequencies) can consist of native EMF, or non native EMF. Native EMF is emitted from the earths surface at 7.8 hz. This is actually very beneficial for our health. Non native EMFs emit radio waves, electric fields, magnetic fields, and dirty electricity. All of these come from man made technology. All of these have been proven to be detrimental to our health. Technology is phenomenal, and has it’s place, but this does not come without drawbacks.

EMF Science

Research done at the National Toxicology Program, funded by the NIH, has shown that EMFs are a class A carcinogen, which means we know it causes cancer. These studies were done in 2G, and 3G. 4G, and 5 G could potentially be much worse. There are two different types of radiation, ionizing radiation, and non ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation comes from things like x rays. Non ionizing radiation comes from the things I listed above. The source of those are our appliances, and smart devices. This type of radiation is actually more damaging because we are exposed to it all the time.  A researcher named Dr. Martin Pall has shown that a major way that these things affect our bodies is through the VGCC (Voltage Gated Calcium Channels. What happens is that calcium that’s outside of the cell is forced into the cell. This results in reactive nitrogen species (RNS), known as peroxynitrite. This is the most powerful free radical that exists. This molecule travels to the nucleus, and damages the DNA. This acts similar to ionizing radiation because they both damage DNA. EMF can also effect your fertility, especially if you carry your phone in your pocket. Research has shown how it effects sperm motility, also the quality, and usability. You are also more likely to get breast cancer if you carry your cell phone in your bra.


  1. Use a either net cable for computers to connect to the internet. Wi-Fi will not be necessary, and turn it on airplane mode when not in use.
  2. If you need to use Wi-Fi, shut it off when not in use. Do this by putting it in airplane mode. Airplane mode dramatically reduces EMF exposure. Here is a great video comparing what happens when your phone is on, and off of airplane mode. If you do this with your phone, it will largely also increase battery life.
  3. Turn off all electronics, and unplug anything that doesn’t need to be plugged in while your sleeping. If something is plugged, but turned off, it still produces electric fields.
  4. Replace your microwave for a regular oven, or toaster. Microwaves are a huge source of EMF, and potentially denatures food.
  5. Avoid the use of smart appliances. This just adds extra EMF in your environment, and you often can not turn off the Wi-Fi.
  6. Switch out the fluorescent, and LED bulbs for clear incandescent. The fluorescent, and LEDs emit high amounts of electrical current. They also produce unhealthy light that damages the retina. Incandescent produce full spectrum light.
  7. Install dirty electricity filters. These filter out dirty electricity, a form of non native EMF, that is produced from your appliances.


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