Decisions Of A King

What Are The Decisions Of A King?

The decisions of a king consist of many traits and attributes. These allow high quality decisions to be made under all circumstances. Many of us don’t understand proper decision making, and as a consequence, we never get the results we want. A king must stay grounded and ready. Freedom on the mind, and service in the heart.

Decisions Of A King

1. Sober minded

I have never drank, never smoked, never done any drugs, if I’m on the internet, it’s for research/creation. For a king must stay sober minded. You can not expect to be on point and mentally sharp if you are indulged in short term pleasures. A king must make the best decisions for the majority of people. In order to do this, you must have a free mind.

2. Strength and honor

This refers to your word being your bond. If you say your going to do something, it’s already done. You may not accomplish all your goals, but you always give everything you have.

3. Become a sayer

Everything you say, you must speak into existence, meaning say what you mean, and mean what you say. Strength and honor, do not just talk to impress, but do it to express to people what is possible.

How To Make Great Decisions

1. Have your people in mind

Understand that your decisions don’t just effect you, they effect everyone upstream and downstream from you. Knowing this is important because it will help you not make selfish decisions. The decision to party, drink, or smoke, when you should be working on your dream is not a good decision.

2. Life and death are intertwined

If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything. You must be willing to die for what you live for if you hope to achieve greatness. You must be willing to go all in on life. Put all your chips in like a G.

3. Understand that failure is part of the process

Do not let failure over take you. Understand that if you keep moving forward, you can use it to your advantage. Don’t let it make you bitter, instead turn inward, and get better. Use your greatness to uplift others. If you find yourself in the midst of a failure or trouble, just keep moving forward. Just take the next available action. As long as you stay in motion and don’t stagnate, you will make it out.

How To Fail Properly

1. Failure rate

This refers to how fast we can recover. The speed at which we can bounce back and become resilient will determine the level of our success. This in turn will give us more freedom to create our lives. This can be done by recognizing the gift, and applying it quickly.

2. Speed of interpretation

This is about asking empowering questions such as what can I learn from this, or how is this happening for me? The goal of this is to find out what went wrong, and move forward. Also, you want to find out what the event means in our lives. Nothing has meaning except for the meaning that we give it. Reframing it in an empowering light to see the gift.

3. Moving past fear

This is about recognizing that failure is part of the process, and it’s okay. On the other side of fear is success. Give yourself permission to fail. The more you learn from your mistakes, the better you will get. Analyzing the situation to see how you can improve, such as accessing your thought, emotions, and actions up to that point. This will make it easier to leverage failure. Also, it’s great to learn from our own experience, but if we pay attention to other peoples wrong doing, we can accelerate the process. Pay close attention to their results, good or bad, then take the according actions.


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